All kinds...and none really. I like traveling, how broad is that.
People who inspire me and who I can learn from...
Classic rock...I know what a cheese ball! I also like what my brother coins "Vagina Music"..which is basicallyffemale vocalists like Anne Lenox or Madonna...I like classical music when I hear it but hardly ever put it on...some hard rock is cool, resently I have been getting into indie, and if I am feeling like reliving my youth I may turn on some NIN or white zombi
I am a hopless romance. And fantasy, that is Jordans fault (my brother and best friend).
TV is Good. Do you remember that tv ad from CBS? Well I am a latch key kid, so if it comes out of the boob tube, well I probably will watch it.
Count of Monte Cristo, Confederancy of Dunces, and Swan Song
My mom, cause she is an amazing woman who never ceases to amaze me with her grace.