Spending time with my family, and I like to fellowship with my IN Christ family, I love to just pray with people who are hurting, or that need encouragement. My favorite thing to do is spend time in God's presence, nothing else compares with that. Seeing God's plan unfold before my eye's (how exciting is that!) I love the agreement of praying with others. I love revelation! I also love to see people grow in Christ!! Other interest are prophetic worship, I can't get enough of that and it just doesn't come out fast enough. I would love to introduce you to my church website that has a wonderful ministry that helps women who have radical challenges in their lives. For example, chemical imbalance that causes extreme depression and anxiety. Also many of these women come into the ministry home with drug addictions and in a place with where they have lost everything! Some are trying to pick up the peices of there lives, and they can only do this with God. Please check out the website at missionsforchristassembly.com
I would love to meet people who are desperate for God. People who are done with their way, and only desire what God has for them. Brokeness brings people to the feet of Jesus.
Jason Upton, Heather Clark, JoAnn McFatter, Robert Stearns, Misty Edwards, and basically all Prophetic worship whoever God uses to bring it through! I also like a lot of contemporary christian and worship music too.
no favorites, like some comedy movies or whatever as long as it's clean.
I like some shows but there isn't anything that I HAVE to watch...but I really got into LOST, although I don't get that channel I have to rent the dvd's, haha.
Thats easy the Word of God. I also love to read books that talk about prohetic ministry, and intercession. Leadership books, and anything that helps me to grow.
Jesus, He's the MAN! People who walk the walk of Christ, and live with integrity and honesty, and purity.