anime, anthropology, art, b movies, belly dancers, best friends, black licorice, bonobos, books, Broon, Bruce Campbell, Bubble Boy, Burning Man, chaos, children, choice, clown sex, coincidence, comedians, comedy, crescent fresh, crying at weddings, David the Gnome, design, destruction of evil whores, dictionaries, Disneyland, Donnie Darko, dreams, ElfQuest, emotion, enlightenment, entertainment, Evil Dead triology, faeries, family, fantasy, fire, fire dancing, flying, freedom, freewill, friends, Gaelic, geeks, goth, graphic design, Greatful Dead, Guinness, gypsies, H.P. Lovecraft, hallucinogen, Heaven Crew, hijacking spaceships, honesty, hope, horror movies, humor, industrial, inside jokes, juggling, Ken Kesey, love, lucid dreams, magick, mastication, monkeys, moon phases, MooNiE, moontribe, movies, Muppets, music, Merry Wives of Windsor, mythology, naked time, nature, paganism, paradox, performers, philosophy, piercings, pirates, poetry, prestidigitation, primates, psychadelic, psytrance, random encounters, reading, Renaissance Faire, Rocky Horror Picture Show, S-P-O-N-G-E, sci fi, Scrabble, searching, Shakespeare, shenanigans, Sifl & Olly, silliness, simians, singing, sleight of hand, souls, summer, sushi, taboo, tarot, tattoos, The Crow, The Iron Monkeys, the moon, the schwa corporation, theatre, Tim Burton, trance, travel, truth, typography, vampires, variety artists, View Askew productions, vinyl, wandering, wanderlust, Whipboy, wolloping baby seals, words, writing...
I want to meet people like me. People who are themselves, and not afraid. People who are kind, intelligent, fun, gregarious,... helps if you are social too. I am sure there is more, I just can't think of it all right now.
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