ninja, samurai, japan, tattoos, ONLY A NINJA , giant monters or robots that like to destroy japanese cities for no reason than to just have fun, nogger black, long walks off short piers, hobbling, eye licking, chronic masturbating, masturbating in public ( prefer mass transit sessions), drunken public nudity ( again on mass transit), dutch ovens, hot carls, the "spiderman" (both kinds), foot binding, rusty trambone, dirty sanchez, chili dog, donkey punch, angry dragon, alligator wrestling and spanking hot young wet bitches
someone to watch porn with while drinking hot cocoa
misfits/samhain/danzig, kyuss, fireball ministry, fu manchu, fatson jetson, nebula, the sword, turbonegro, slayer, yellow machinegun, kodo, and keith pagan and the cone of silence
star wars (all of them), indiana jones, samurai/ninja movies from the late 60's/early 70's, ninja scroll, goodfellas, akira, my youth in arcadia, zombie flicks, japanese giant robot/monster
GI motha fucking JOE, futurama, simpsons, family guy, insomiac, chappelle show, transformers, the office, extras, peepshow
bukowski, that one alcoholic guy, and that other guy, pelleggi