Why, hello there!
My name is Sue and I live in Philadelphia with the love of my life, Nate, and our two cats, Shawshank and Turnip. I make fancy messenger bags at R.E.load Baggage during the day and run giant dwarf when time allows itself. I deconstruct the past into a distinct one-of-a-kind present using recycled sweaters and found materials to keep you fancy!
Check out my Etsy shop for one-of-a-kind handmade goods including:
+ recycled sweater baby cloche hats
+ recycled sweater adult cloche hats
+ glovelettes
+ recycled sweater-stuffed pin cushions
+ W.W.T.W.D? (Tom Waits) and tough knitter t-shirts
For more about me and my crafty life check my blog, here at www.pillowvspincushion.blogspot.com - it's craftastic!