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Cool SlideshowsMineral makeup has a natural look and feel. It stays on all day long. K Minerals are recommended for sensitive skin, dermabrasion, acne and any skin problem. K Minerals is oil and fragrance-free, NO FILLERS! The ingredients that make your skin break out; will not clog pores. Its 100% natural, none of the harmful ingredients that aids in adding wrinkles. The constant application of makeup with chemicals is not healthy for your skin. After years of use, your skin is not what it used to be. If you use makeup, doctors and I recommend mineral makeup. Best of all, because mineral powders are natural and does not contain moisture, bacteria does not grow, so no preservatives needed. K Minerals works on everyone and in every climate. Not only is it a natural sunscreen, it works with humidity. This means even if you sweat, your makeup stays put. Remember contains no fillers to break down, cake-up, or run.