Videos by vMix Member: Marix
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Hi everybody, my name is Marisela Spindola! I don't know what to say because it's not easy to talk about yourself. I'am a language student (French,Italian,Portuguese and a little bit of German) that's why I thought Myspace would be a great place to meet people all over the world, so if you are a native speaker of these languages or you speak them, help this poor girl to improve her knowledge; I've never travel abroad, fact that makes more difficult developping my language skills.I considere myself a good and well intentioned person, but my look doesn't indicate the same. People say I look like a mean, evil and arrogant person and they prefered to stay away for me. I think sometimes we judge someone without give it a chance to know how really somebody is and that's a waste of time you don't know what's you're missing doing this; first impression is important but give a chance to people to show how they really are.I also like reading, embroidering, movies, arts and all this stuff that many women like: clothes, parfumes, shoes, make up fashion magazines, glamourous things but don't think I'm a stupid because of this, you should look nice inside and outside, if God didn't want you to look nice he wouldn't give you a body.Sometimes I taken by a harsh and "too honest" person, but its'not my intention to hurt anyone I just say things the way I see them. I am the owner of a very sarcastic and ironic sense of humour, just don´t take it personal.