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DJ Pharmacy ®

About Me

A friend of mine once asked what it felt like to perform or play a set. I couldnt really explain it at the time, but now I feel that I have a sense of how to vaguely put it into perspective. Some people will disagree with me on this, others will understand completely, but this is my answer: The sound of numerous rhythms coming together in unison to create a harmonic utopia which is felt right through the body and grabs hold of ones soul - the purest of pure ecstasy, I can think of no other way to describe it. The feeling of control, the feeling of freedom, the feeling of life through music and performing only enhanced by the energy of the masses below. Each person lingering on the last note to see what follows, others simply just waiting to hear you make a mistake and then the perfect mix flows over the crowd like a rushing wave of power which heightens the ever growing masses to another level thought never before to exist. Simply Breathtaking. I feel that I have come a long way in a short period of time. I wasnt always DJ Pharmacy though. The road to where I am at has been interesting to say the least! Let me provide a little background for you... Chad was born in North Carolina and lived around the area for a few years thereafter. Around my kindergarten years, I can remember listening to the AM radio in my room and hearing the latest country songs. FM hadnt been created yet, well, at least not in Burlington, North Carolina that is. For all I knew, Country music was the only kind of music that you could hear broadcasted through the airwaves. Needless to say I hated it. I refused to listen to the radio. Then along came MTV. I was astounded! Michael Jacksons Thriller and Billy Joels Uptown Girl (too this day I still have a crush on Christy Brinkley because of that video :) and who can forget I Want My MTV!! I was beside myself. Shortly thereafter, my family and I moved to Orlando where it was a different world altogether. There were lots of neighborhoods and people and an environment that couldnt be more different for a young boy to adjust too. My family says I managed fairly well though and I thank God that I ended up in Orlando, Florida. That was the perfect time to be in Orlando as well. The area was growing dramatically and so was the music. By this time, The Eighties were in full effect. Big hair and Rock and Roll was all the rage. I think my favorite song of the time was 99 Ballons and The Pet Shop Boys were all over the radio as well as AHA. The foundation of techno/electronic music had taken hold of me. Skipping ahead quite a few years, Rock N Roll turned into Alternative music and Techno was born. Orlando became the Mecca for a distinctly different form of new techno in which nobody could label until fairly recently. Now entitled Florida Breaks with Orlando DJs setting the benchmark for the entire label. DJ ICEY was the resident DJ at The Edge with Baby Anne playing in the back right on his heels. The scene was alive and the people loved every minute of it. I can remember standing in line for the final night of The Edge. I was about 17 years old then and was already hooked. Unfortunately though, the best club in USA was closing and I had no where to go. When I thought all hope was lost, a new club emerged that catered to the electronic sounds I was missing so dearly. Firestone. Club Firestone held shows and event that rivaled Disney productions and everyone was there. 5000 + people through the doors on some nights. Simply amazing. The scene was back and stronger than ever. At this time, I was back and forth from North Carolina and Orlando for college and EVERY time I came home I was at Firestone. The people there were like family to me. I could leave for 6 months at a time and still be welcomed back like I had never even left. My home away from home. This was the point in which I decided that I wanted to be the one that everyone yelled for and threw their hands up in the air when a soon to be instant classic song was dropped on them like a bomb from above. It was a natural progression I would say as I was hanging out in the DJ booth with all the major stars of the time and yearned to be behind the decks. So at the age of 20, I purchased my first set of tables for 800.00 which included a mixer and Stanton needles as well. Gemini PT2000s and a Gemini 2 channel mixer - which I STILL have and even use on occasion now I was set. I spent the better part of a month alone trying to match a beat and then it happened. The beats lined up and the songs were playing at the same time I was ecstatic!! I started building my record collection and must have carried that table setup around with me for 2 years in my car just waiting for any chance I could to pull them out and get the crowd hyped. House parties and such were the biggest venues that I played at until a friend of mine suggested that I play at clubs. I did know almost everyone at Firestone at this point, but never imagined that I would EVER play there. Dana Lessne, the owner or Firestones nephew asked me to play in the den on a Thursday night. I was terrified!! I thought that I sucked and would never be able to do it. But I did it and I loved it and I still sucked. I couldnt believe that all these people were looking at ME and I felt like I was supposed to be down there in the crowd listening to someone who knew what they were doing! After nearly a year of playing Jump-Up Jungle as the Guest Den DJ on every flyer for Thursday Nights @ Firestone, I was so hooked on the rush of playing in front of a crowd that I wanted more. I bounced around from Firestone on Thursday and Sunday nights (Old School Sundays) to other venues such as Skinnys Bar and Barbarellas playing for a few less people but getting more exposure to different clubs and local bars. I didnt turn a single gig down. I was starting to travel further outside of Orlando to Daytona Beach, Tampa, Melbourne and others areas as well playing mostly Jump-Up Jungle and some Breaks at different clubs and bars All the time, I feel that I still was not good enough to be doing what I was actually doing. A few more years, a few more clubs and bars and then it was time to get serious about things. I hadnt released any mix cds at all kinda weird actually but I was still getting gigs and nobody knew who the hell I was, but most everyone in Central Florida has heard me play whether or not they know it! I had progressed from a few DJ names (that we wont go into here) and ultimately I stuck with DJ Pharmacy. Simple as that. I was not going to compromise my creation so that I could have my name printed on a flyer. I figured that if I couldnt be on the flyer, but I could play at the event; thats all I wanted. It was and still is a great feeling to have someone come up from the crowd and say WHATS YOUR DJ NAME?? or simply give me a thumbs-up when making eye-contact with someone in the crowd below. Notoriety is great, but performing for a crowd of 500 5000 people is better! So the name stays, and so do I. I dont know where things will go from here, all I know is that I will be here, with my records and headphones, ready and willing to provide a night to remember for every person at every show I do. And my promise to you is this I pour every ounce of energy and feeling into every single set I play and I will always do this, no matter how many people I perform for. Guaranteed.

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Member Since: 5/22/2005
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DJ Pharmacy ®

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Record Label: Purified Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Your sincere help is urgently needed! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ!!!

Please help by donating to the benefit of Davie D - a long time friend that is in need of sincere help. Due to very saddening circumstances, Davie has lost 2 family members within days of each othe...
Posted by DJ Pharmacy ® on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 08:08:00 PST

THE BEST info for every club goer! PLEASE READ!

You see them everywhere. They're now in car commercials, every slacker wants to be one, but do you really know anything about DJs? One of LA's finest, DJ Wolfie, gives the inside juice. -By DJ Wolfie ...
Posted by DJ Pharmacy ® on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 02:20:00 PST