Amber Jade profile picture

Amber Jade

♥REAL isn't how you are made... REAL is how you choose to live!!!Live real and be Different!!

About Me

HMMM... Well everybody seems to really like my eyes.... I think they are beautiful myself of course...and they sparkle like these do!!!
I am the type of person that loves everyone until they have given me a reason not to. I choose my friends very carefully, as I would rather have none than to have some that are fake. I dont like to be associated with people that are not doing anything with themselves..I have been single for the last 1 1/2 years. Some think that makes me lonely, I think it has made me stronger and allowed me to find myself... Find what makes me happy, what makes me sad, what I want out of life.. I refuse to settle therefore I have never been married. I have no children, but definately want them when the time is right!

My Interests

CURRENT MOON about the moon

By the way....You were just live tracked.... WOW... 19 Live Viewers... Thats INSANE!!!

Virtual Amber Goes to Japan... LOL... Thanks Mike... this is great!!!!

The Evolution of Dance... Friggen hilarious... Watch it!!!..

JUST A WARNING...... the DAAAAMN part will occur more than occasionally....JUST FYI....hehe..LOL

AHHH HA... I found the truth... FINALLY... now it all makes sense... LOL

I do want kids someday... I guess Im getting closer... Im not getting any younger thats for sure!

This is one of the most true statements I have ever read!! I had to put it on my page!!!!

Touching a soul is not difficult... even a smile can change a strangers day!!!

The only time I'll talk behind your back is when your not available for me to say it to your face... I say what is on my mind.. but I don't make fun of people... and I don't talk shit.. I tell the truth!

Holy SHIT!!! Watch this time and time again... It never FAILS to make me LAUGH...Look closely at his head.. and where his right leg ends up... TOO FUNNY!!!

My Papa used to have a painting with this saying on it! When I was only confused the hell out of me. Now I see its meaning... and it is Beautiful!!

I love the sun...I love to be outdoors...and I love photography, I do it as much as I can. ALthough my career doesnt allow much time for that anymore.I have my work in galleries and coffee shops around town!! Kinda cool and makes some extra cash at the same time!!I like to ride my long board skateboard with the dogs, kinda like a dog sled ride, it's really fun. I like to swim, watch movies and relax at home.

I don't really drink alchohol, mainly because everyone in my family are and were alchoholics, and I NEVER want to be like that...So, unfortunately I dont find myself in bars and clubs, and dont meet too many "cool" people.. Although I do go out and dance my booty off from time to time, and maybe a drink here and there on a good night;P

I'd like to meet:

is always down to make new friends....Girls and guys both. IF YOU ARE GOING TO PUT IN A FRIENDS REQUEST... SEND A MESSAGE WITH IT... Otherwise I probably won't approve you! I am tired of having to delete hackers etc.... And please dont send me your number if I dont know you, I wont use it... and dont ask me to go out if I dont know you personally! Not trying to be rude, but tired of perverts calling me rude because I dont respond to disrespectful invitations.!!!! If you cant be nice and polite then leave NOW! PLEASE READ MY BLOGS... THESE ARE TOPICS THAT I CARE ABOUT!

I am still looking for LOVE...although I manage best on my own most of the time. I enjoy my own space, But I love companionship at the same time. I just don't like having someone attached at my hip... I enjoy a challenge... because if you let me... I will wear the pants in a relationship... I dont like controlling men either or possessive... I have delt with that before.

DID YOU KNOW... A single tree can breathe up to 40 TONS of Carbon Dioxide during its lifetime... If only EVERYONE would JUST plant a tree!

My Grandfather... Dr. Jerome P. Keuper, Founded and was the President of F.I.T, now known as Florida Tech. He is still the most accomplished man I have ever known... I am proud to have been a part of his legacy... and watch him achieve his dreams... a school for spacemen and thats exactly what it became.


My brother from another mother... and my VERY VERY Close friend PFC Miller are both in the ARMY! I miss you PFC MILLER... More than you will ever know! I cant wait to see you again! Everyone in the military are my HEROES!!! BLESS OUR SOLDIERS!!! Send them all home safe!


BUY The movie... Watch It... Share It... Donate It... What has to happen to make you do something??? Also in my blogs... leave comments with your opinions!

Please take this time to locate this planets emergency exits!!! Make sure to notice that there aren't ANY!!!

I feel like I have been so many places... doesnt look like Ive done much when you compare it to what else still awaits!!! DREAM - THINK - BECOME!!!!

My World Visitor Map!

Damn Thats Cool!!! And Hey... Now I know that my internet is routed through South Africa somewhere... So I guess thats my new home for now! LOL

Create your own visitor map!

These are some of things that are important to me!!!

If you have never watched the videos showing how these beautiful animals are killed... too graphic to show on my page... but you should see it... just once! Maybe you'll feel the same as I do about it!


I Love Hip Hop...Hate Rap...I like most Rock, But I really don't care for Heavy Metal... I used to be really into Dance/Techno/Trance when I used to hit the club scene..I am over that stage of my life... I don't really care for country music.. although there are a few country songs that you might catch me singing when on the radio!! I guess I like all genres of music... depending on my mood!I love to sing even though I can't... I usually act a fool when I do.. I am that girl you see singing her heart out while driving for sure...

I love to travel... When I can. I don't get too much time off of work. Even if I have 2 days off.. I like to just drive..See where the road leads me. I have been on 2 cruises now.. If you have NEVER been on one.. I recommend it for sure. Went to Western Carribean in 2005.. Hit up Haiti, Jamaica, Grand Caymen and Cozumel.. In 2006 we did the Southern Carribean.. Which I loved even more.. Hit up Puerto Rico, Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, St. Maarten and St. Thomas.... Out of all these places.. St. Lucia was my FAVORITE by FAR!!!!


Believe in yourself.. and always smile.. it will make you confident.. and confidence is sexy...

By far Scary/Horror movies are my favorite... It takes a good one to get under my skin... but I love it. If it can scare me... make me scream... SO BE IT.. I also love to LAUGH.. So Comedies are a must. I have a huge movie collection. Like 200 now.. I would rather buy it than spend $20 at the theatre unless it is like a must see in the Theatre... like I have to see Saw 3 and Grudge 2 in the theatre... WHOO HOO!!!!

I have said it once... I'll say it again.. BE NICE OR LEAVE.. and be RESPECTFUL.. I hate to have to block or delete people...

AMEN TO THAT!!! You lucky bastards.. LOL


24 & Prison Break are my all time favorite shows, and I TIVO everything else. CSI, Law and Order, Survivor, Real World, So You Think You Can Dance, and the 6 O'clock News.. Gotta Know what's going on in the world.. as scary as it is... They should just call it the bad news.. since that is all they play on....

Everyone has regrets.. The key to this statement is to live you life to fullest and make smart decisions that won't lead to regret... Even things you want can make you regret... Just be true to yourself..

I'll bet you wish you did!! HA.. Take that milk... I'm better!!! He He


I spent a lot of my life letting the opinions of others control my life... I have FINALLY realized that what other people say means NOTHING... IT is all about HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF.... NO MATTER WHAT WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL...You just need to accept yourself and you will feel better. If anyone tells you otherwise... it is them that is ugly...on the inside especially!!!!
Okay guys... calm down... I know your not all the same BUT GEESH it seems like guys arent into relationships anymore. Probably because of the whole free milk thing I mentioned earlier... FOR the nice guys out there... MUCH LOVE!!
Okay so my point has been made... This would be why I don't get drunk... Looks like SOOO much fun though!!!OH Yeah.... I'll pass on the getting drunk part!!! OUCH
Okay I'll admit... Normally I wouldn't put something so NASTY on my page... I respect myself more than that... BUT I DO HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR and thought this was so hilarious...Hopefully no one is offended!
Now that's a profound statement.. And OH SO TRUE!!!!
Ane REMEMBER... Every time you masturbate.. GOD KILLS A KITTEN......
I'm VERY easy to get along with...You may not like what I am.. But I am what I am...If you don't like me...ITS YOUR LOSS... I won't lose any sleep over it!
DID you find Victoria's Secret?? I know it's gross.. BUT AGAIN..Freakin hilarious!! You know you laughed....
When the person who this was meant for reads it they will realize I was talking DIRECTLY to them... You can't hurt me... Keep trying if you want but I think nothing of you. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
Doesn't it suck when the ones you were SURE would NEVER stab you in the back... ends up the one who stabbed you the hardest...It still hurts even if the one you cared about wasn't the one holding the knife!!
There is nothing more unattractive than someone who thinks their SHIT doesn't stink... The world doesn't revolve around beauty or money... And neither will make you happy.
This is a rare find... Not many have it... DO YOU?
QUESTION: Can you cry under water???? Never thought about that did you!!!
Another great rule to live by.. Karma WILL come back to bite you in the ass.. I have been bitten a few times myself...NEVER AGAIN!!! I hope!
I haven't danced in the rain since I was a little girl.. but there is something romantic about being in the rain with someone... even just yourself... Unless you are like headed to work.. then it really sucks!!!
Thank You... Thank You very much!!!

What a true statement!! People really do things to see who is paying attention... To see who will fight.. and tear down those walls... Read my blog.. I think I may have saved a life today... Great example of what this means!
Holding hands is in my opinion one of the most intimate things two people can do...




Global Warning: Invasion of the Jellyfish!

Weird Plants

WOW... Hard to believe those were plants!!! Amazing!

Dance contest

I love to watch people dance... Breakers are my favorite!!!!


My Blog


I found this while browsing pages today... and found it to be so awakening as to how I feel... but always feel unable to express... I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.... Voice YOU...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:26:00 PST


First watch this trailer... THEN GO RENT OR BUY THE MOVIE... BY FAR THE SCARIEST MOVIE you'll EVER see, and definately the MOST IMPORTANT!!! Leave comments with your thoughts... this is currently one ...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:47:00 PST

Er... Er... Er... Earth to America!!!

Thought this was cool... Straight to the point... CAN YOU HEAR??? No Im NOT a TREE HUGGER... Im JUST an AIR BREATHER!!! Please enjoy your ride on this vehicle called Earth... Take th...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:14:00 PST

Updated!! Worthy Advice...

New version... I liked the old one better but it was taken off for some reason!!Worthy Advice... Watch it... Its not about sunscreen! Although you should wear it... over time the sun call kill you too...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 06:09:00 PST

What do you think REALLY happened???

With the media acting as a driving force... for most it is our only source of "knowledge" ... it's really hard to say what REALLY did happen that day??? This opened my eyes to an unknown side of the s...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:05:00 PST

MUST READ!!! An Inconveinent TRUTH!!!

Found this Video... That really shows you my concerns... Rather than just me rambling on... Please take the time to watch!!! MAKE A PLEDGE... To at LEAST watch the movie... An Inconv...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 05:33:00 PST

New Years Resolutions

Inquiring minds want to know&. I haven't finished this yet& but here's what I do have&   This year& I resolve&   To put the gas nozzle back before driving away   To continue my quest...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 03:36:00 PST


Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 01:48:00 PST


Leave your name...1. I'll respond with something random about you.2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.4. I'll say something that only ma...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 09:47:00 PST

TIPS for women... How to AVOID getting RAPED!!

This is important information for females of ALL ages .When this was sent to me, I was told to forward it to my lady friends. I forwarded it to most everyone in my address book. My men friends have fe...
Posted by Amber ♥Jade♥ on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:57:00 PST