Member Since: 3/8/2007
Influences: At the Boom Room Studio you will find a 2 Presonus Firepods (12-16 simultaneous record), 10 quality microphones for recording drums and other instruments, outboard presonus preamps and compressors, nice Alesis monitors w/RA100 amp, a Behringer 24-8 mixing board, a great headphone and sansamp system for jamming along w/ your drummer while he gets the right "feel" for your tracks, Cubase LE w/plugins, a Digidesign MBox and Protools LE 7.3 w/plugins, Reason 3.0, a fast Pentium D computer, a 5 piece drumkit w/ cymbals (or bring your own) and a sound friendly rock studio environment for recording great drum tracks and other instruments/vocals. 479.445.6222, afternoons please.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie