Formed in 2006, Wasteful Youth blasts a unique and modern form of Hardcore Punk, while sticking to the traditional groundwork laid down in the early 80’s underground music scene: Unyielding, relentlessly outspoken, pure Punk Rock. They've pushed through many obstacles and came across many challenges. They have shared the stage with notable bands such as The Casualties, Lower Class Brats, Total Chaos, Agent Orange, Krum Bums, Ashers, Time Again, Flatfoot 56 and tons of local bands all throughout Oklahoma and Arkansas, while making friends along the way. They've played many shows in a short span of time, without any backing or outside support. Consistently driven and hungry, Wasteful Youth hope to share more than just music with others…"Our scene is a family." The members all meet at local shows and still strongly believe in supporting the local music scene. This band’s mindset could easily be summed up in two words: Question Everything! Always pushing you to think for yourself, and live your life your own way. ALWAYS QUESTION WHY
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