Basement Troll profile picture

Basement Troll

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

layouts friendster layouts
I live in the country with my wife Mary and our three cats, Eek, The Boober, and Crabby Abby. I run an in house design studio for the colder months of the year and grounds keep for the warmer days.

My Interests

All things fantastic whether it's fictional or in our natural surroundings ranging from bizzare weather to serial criminals. I read a lot and love movies, mostly the older films. I've turned a hobby into a full time business. I build and design scale models for the gaming industry and for the game players themselves. I cover any and all eras in history or fantasy and can build in any scale that's playable. I'd sure love to take a whack at interior design as well as creative outdoor landscaping using what I know from from designing models.

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost I'd love to meet the whole crazy-assed gang at the, and the YAhoo groups The Grumpus Diner and Attack of the B-Movie Monsters. Fine folks. As far as living celebs go: Ray Harryhausen, Ray Bradbury, Terry Pratchett and those inventive maniacs at Mythbusters. There's tons more but most have already passed away: Vic Morrow, Hardy Kruger, Woody Strode, Richard Boone, Peter Cushing and Cary Grant.


Can't be pigeon holed here either. Might be easier to say that rap and hip hop are the only stylings I just can't tolerate. Don't do a thing for me. My music goes from Tony Bennet to AC/DC. Queen rocks my socks and Bowie makes my heart sing. Favorite tunes? H-mmm Mack the Knife, At Last, You Give Me Fever, Fat Bottom Girls. Queen's "I want It All" could be my anthem.


I do love the oldies. I've got films that go back to 1917. Just can't get enough of the spaghetti westerns, especially Sergio Leone's epics.


Not a big tv fan anymore. I try to buy the dvd box sets that meant more to me as a kid. Shows like Jonny Quest, Wild Wild West, Voyage to the Bottom of the see. Mind you I've liking and buying the HBO stuff like Carnevale and Dead Like Me, too.


Fantasy mostly. Humour based or of the serious bent. Tolkien, Hambly, Pratchett, Leiber, Howard, Lovecraft etc.


My Dads. Well, my biological Father and my Pop-in-Law. Two truly amazing men. Marvel Comics The Thing from the F.F.

My Blog

Damn slideshow anyhoo.

  Been trying to update my photos in the slidehow and they just won't upload to my album. that I dleted all of the old ones... Sooooo, until I figure out what's happened you'll have ...
Posted by Basement Troll on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 06:20:00 PST

Desert of gritty Evil.

  I put the final paint on the desert set today. Just need to tweeze it a bit and I should have some pics up by the week-end. This too, will be a set for auction starting maybe as soon as Friday ...
Posted by Basement Troll on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 05:48:00 PST

Ebay listing numbers.

Be aware folks this is SPAM OF THE WORST SORT.....dum dum's an Ebay listing ass-salt.  I've put both those jungle sets up fer sale and thought I'd post the item numbers. Selfish, pimp-m...
Posted by Basement Troll on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:53:00 PST

Fighting Pit update

Just about finished the fantasy fighting pit commission. Had to work on a business plan today and Monday I go in with my wife to work and help her boss out with getting started with a small business ...
Posted by Basement Troll on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:36:00 PST

Jungele pics posted

I finished up the the two jungle sets on Thursday and photographer them on Friday. I only put up snaps of the one set as both look pretty much the same except for foliage. The hut bodies are from the...
Posted by Basement Troll on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 04:57:00 PST

Jungle fever almost gone. :)

Been pretty busy this past week. I'm almost done two larger multi-piece jungle sets. I'll post pics when I'm done on the homepage slideshow, then let ya'll know when I put them up on Ebay. I started ...
Posted by Basement Troll on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 05:28:00 PST

Well, I arrived.

Alright already, I finally got here. I need another place to babysit like I need another hole in my head. Over the next few weeks it's my intent to foist what I am up to in the studio. www.basementtro...
Posted by Basement Troll on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 05:38:00 PST