I was born in 1985: He was born in 1985: We Were born in 2007.
From Hard to Soft; from "Rock" to Air. From Biological To sinthetical.
The product of two minds. the work of two frequences.
We were another kind of soul. Breath, sweat, blood.
We are alectricity, impulse, signal. We came from the same adrenaline.
The same ways to scream out. Once screaming, now breathing.
Like a nervous system in a quiet stasis. The eye of the twister.
when you take a breath, just a second before you scream. when you take that breath, you know what we mean.
Just a second befor the sun burn you eyes from the skyline,
you'll know where we came from. 'Couse the pulse is the origin in every machine. 'Couse the human creature is the primary machine.