Starting as a band in late February 2007, this quartet brings a breath of fresh air to the jazz fusion starved region of south western Ontario. As an improvisational band, Florida North are talented enough to feel music like crashing waves feel windy days. They continue to blow themselves and their audiences away with new creations and jams of their own improvisation, inspiration, and volition. Taking action to arrive at a higher cloud than the last time they practiced and performed, Florida North are inspired by all types of music including Jazz, Classical, Rock and Pop.Hailing from London Ontario, this band brings quality presentation, production, inspiration and technical support to the table each time they get together. By providing groovy, easy listening sounds that all people can appreciate, the band has already accomplished phase one of their paramount goal - they are simply put, a great new style of music from London that all people young and old will appreciate.
All Songs Composed by Rich Gillespie ©2007
Photos by Dadso
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