Austin profile picture



About Me

I'm finally that "professional student" my family always warned me about. But, hey, somebody's got to do it; it's a great lifestyle...

My Interests

Soccer! Triathlon! Rugby! ...Sports! hiking, climbing, swimming, good books, good food, good people


Melissa Cartoun, Adam Trapani, Denitia Odigie - my live music favorites


I don't watch many movies, so my list isn't very discriminatory. But here's what I can think of now: Finding Nemo, Forrest Gump, Vanilla Sky, Memento (a work of art), I Heart Huckabees, Fun With Dick and Jane, Chasing Amy, Dogma


what's that?


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Kite Runner, Greed To Green, Natural Capitalism


Ghandi, Mom, Maya Angelou, David Gottfried, MLK, all my great teachers, my roommate MJ, Annie, Toni, Nafeh. I'm sure there are more. I'll get back to you on that.

My Blog

C.O.O.L. conference

This weekend, Vanderbilt was taken over by un-apathetic, open-minded college students who are trying to improve themselves and their campuses. As Vandy students headed off to spring break, idealist.or...
Posted by Austin on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 01:53:00 PST

home sweet home?

i've never done this blog thing so here's my first one. testing...1..2.. so i don't want to ruin my good fortune by saying anything, but i'm actually glad to be back at the parents' house in...
Posted by Austin on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:03:00 PST