When I go out in the woods I can hear the deer shaking with fear.I shoot the only kind of bow there is,Mathews.I also shoot a recurve,I just don't hit much with it.I think I am a cool guy,I just don't know if my wife and kids will agree .I like to lift weights,and I am strong(for an out of shape 35yr old.My friends and I like to play football and we can beat any peewee teams ass.I was in the Marine Corps for 4yrs,but they just were not very nice to me.I like to fish,but I am known to drink to much and forget where i put the stringer of fish.My 15min of fame was when I killed a gar on the river with our boat oar,but then I had to walk the boat back.I like to ride dirt bikes,but my last jump cost me about 15 grand and my left knee.So,now you know as much about me or more then you wanted to.Thank goodness I have a family that loves me,because I don't think anyone else could put up with me.
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MySpace Stuff
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
I found my myspace layout here
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