Music,Art,Books,Museums,Zoo's,Traveling,Hiking,Bicycling,Vol unteering,Being with Family,and Hanging Out with Friends!!!
Anyone who is Positive and Fun,and of course Jesus(just not yet)!
The Cramps and whatever else I'm in the mood for!!!
Pulp Fiction,Resevoir Dogs,Shawshank Redemption,American History X,Rent,Boondock Saints,X-Men,Dogma,The Crying Game,Mall Rats,Slingblade,Boys Don't Cry, Little Miss Sunshine, etc, etc......
Will and Grace,The History Channel,TLC, Court T.V.,A&E,Seinfeld,and College Football!
Too many to list, and not enough space!!
Mom&Dad for being great role models and always being there, My Brother, because I know I can always count on him No Matter What for his Support, and Jesus!!!