Artwork (mainly by no name people who are still alive) and of course working on my own;Eating new foods, but not forgetting about those great pasta dishes I grew up on;Tattoo shops rock!!!Custom audio and video apps in cars;And last but not least, always enjoy trying new things.
Real people, no drama, must like analyzing, talking, and solving things out instead of just acting without thought. People who don't just live for their future, I completely believe in goals and fulfilling them, but don't forget about the day at hand. You never know, it may be your last!
Your Vampire Name Is...
Baron of the Flesh
What's Your Vampire Name?
My love and knowledge for music can't really be placed in any of those bull*h@t sterotypical blocks society feels they should be placed in. So just put the freakin' song on and I'll tell you if I like it or not. What I can positively say is I'd prefer not to listen to any kind of elevator music, any lyrics in a language I can't understand, or anything not in accordance with the mood or setting we may be the way.., 2pac lives!!!
HEAT; Dogma; American History X; Vince Vaugn Movies; Mike Epps; DeNiro; Pacino; Johnny Depp; Jessica Biel; Jamie Fox; Jordanna Brewster; Ryan Renyolds: anything where the dead are walking, from Vampires to Zombies.....just to name a few
Not really enough time to keep up with T.V., but TLC, Discovery, HBO Shows, Speed, MTV 2, Showtime Shows are great when I do have time.
The Bachman Books, How To, and various instruction manuals are pretty much the whole long list of my reading materials. I'm the kind of person that color, lines and design captivate me more than words.
A hero ain't nothing but a sandwich