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Add to My Profile | More VideosMarijuana does NOT cause cancer The largest study of its kind surprisingly finds that smoking marijuana, even frequently, does NOT cause cancer. With no realisitic overdose, no cancer, and no physical addiction, marijuana is now CLEARLY less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. LEGALIZE in '08 - and which candidates will do so: Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, and Ron Paul!Shit I'd love to see people getting high instead of drunk... probably be much better for society really.
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1) Did you even read the article, it effects the memory of the rats WHILE THEY ARE HIGH once the THC wore off the effects wore off2) Of course it does so does smoking and drinking you have to be a fucking idiot to do it while you are pregnant3) While this may be true but it only effects some and while it makes them rusty it doesnt make them complete idiots, its not bad enough to ban in an entire country it should be the people's choice to take it just like Cigs and Alcohol.4:20 Marijuana Legalization Ralley

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THE LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA:"In regards to legalization, it should not matter in the slightest whether it is harmful to the user. Its their own damn choice and no one elses what they do to themselves.".."No one under the legal age should be allowed to (it is still a drug, and minors are not allowed to possess a wide array of drugs...), however once they're 18, they're adults. Sure.".."yes I would in the safety of my own house, I would want my kids to learn how to smoke responsibly so that they dont learn bad habits from friends.".."Truth be told: Can't protect your kids forever, especially once they get behind the wheel of an automobile, again, much MUCH more dangerous than smoking pot. Gonna keep them from driving too?".."just because something is harmful doesn't mean it should be illegal.Take alcohol for instance, the government knows about its deadly affects, but theres 10 fuckin million bars across the country."..Stop arguing whether Marijuana is harmful to the individual or not. If substances were banned due to how much harm they caused to the individual (or society) then we shouldn't be able to buy alcohol and tobacco.".."Anyone who thinks pot should NOT be legalized must also explain why alcohol and tobacco should stay legal. Anyone who can't, shouldn't expect to have their opinion on pot taken seriously.".."Legal drugs that have more adverse effect on the human body than Weed:- Alchohol - Cigarettes - Aspartame (biggest artificial sweetner - - this shit is put in pop, coffee, chocolate bars, and dozens of other food products, this stuff makes weed look like water) - garanteed there are many more".."I think we SHOULD LEGALIZE marijuana. We need more ditch diggers. Maybe we can put those illegal alien Mexicans out of business".."When you get too high, you go to sleep. There is nothing more natural than sleeping.".."...legalizing the drug simply increases availability..." It's everywhere. It's already widely available. Just ask a friend of a friend, and you've got pot. "Marajuana is everywhere, where were you brought up?" - Eminem.."You reasoning that pot should remain illegal until proven 'completely harmless' is unreasonable. Nothing is completely harmless. Cars, guns, gambling, television, the internet, video games, computers, food, even water can be cause harm to others or to yourself. We can't ban all things that can cause harm because that is everything, including the things we need to live.".."It's NONE of the govt's business what free people who own their own bodies do that infringes the rights of no one else!".."New studies also show that not only can smoking pot lower your chance of getting alzheimer's, but it's actually been proven that it can REVERSE it. In all of modern medicine, nothing else can make this claim, so smoking pot is not bad for you unless you do it irresponsibly. Kinda like anything.".."Absolutely. it reduces cancer size (shrinks brain tumors) in mice, and the gubment knew about this in 1974. So what did they do? They destroyed all the evidence and vowed to never do any more research on it again; if they touted it as a cancer-killer, then they couldn't stuff their prisons with minorities!".."Bag of weed: $15 AU Ski trip: $2000 AU Thinking a packet of Oreo's is talking to you: Priceless.".."I don't do drugs (Or Marijuana) I just think it should be legalized I am sick of the bullshit the government spews out.".."get your head out of your ass - if you don't WANT to smoke it dont, but why the fuck should you care if ANYONE else does?".."if u can smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, you should be able to smoke some weed too, if you dont like weed then dont smoke it, just cause cigarettes are legal doesnt mean you have to smoke them... to each their own".."You can't make something illegal because it has the POTENTIAL to cause harm. You have to make the improper use illegal.".."What you are talking about is mental addiction. Physical addiction, like with heroin, means that the body becomes sick because the drug is not administered. While smoking weed may create a slight physical addiction (perhaps as in "nicotine receptors" in cigarettes, check me) it is nothing more than a headache. For hard drugs there are serious, negative physiological effects from withdrawal. However, not with marijuana.".."I got high many....many many times a day for over 5 years. Then one day, I quit. Just like that. I've tried to quit smoking cigarettes approximately 25 times. I can't say that pot is addictive. Those people just want to get high. There is a definitive difference".."I seriously don't know many people who think it's a bad thing to smoke weed. I just really can't understand why it's even illegal, I mean why waste state and federal funds imprisoning folks who just want to smoke some ganja in their own homes? The only reason why it's not legal is the fact that it would mean putting an ELECTED officials career at risk. I highly doubt it will ever be legal unless someone can motivate the majority of pot-smokers in the US to get up off their ass's and VOTE!".."BEST News I've heard all day!!! I feel like smoking a blunt right now".."The funny thing is that when they are high they are more like themselves. Social rules are tossed out of the window to embrace the moment through being oneself outside of social restrictions. In many cases through this different viewpoint people are able to grasp concepts never before conceived or solved.".."There are plenty of retarded people out there who don't use marijuana... They still laugh at things that aren't funny (like stupid sitcoms), and do nothing all day me it sounds like u have a problem with dumb lazy people not for the smell i think it has a nice aroma IMAO..".."It's a very simple argument: cigarettes and alcohol are legal, both far more harmful than pot. Prohibiting marijuana just doesn't make sense".."An article dealing with cancer and pot comes up every week. They can't make up their minds. One week it cures cancer, the next it gives you cancer, and then the next week it is back to not causing cancer again.".."Do you think all of us who smoke pot really, truly, give a fuck if the shit is giving us lung cancer? You think that is going to make us not want to get high anymore? Hell no! At least not me anyways!".."I think the ones who are trying to say it does cause cancer are trying to buy time. They don't want the shit to become legal. Why? Probably because they somehow benefit from it being illegal I would assume.".."I would say a good number of the people fighting legalization are also smoking it....cuz I would be amazed beyond all recognition if it ever got legalized and we DIDN'T tax the ever living snot out of it.".."Who gives a shit if it DID cause cancer? It's good for the public to have the knowledge, certainly, but it should have absolutely no bearing on whether or not it's legal or not to use it.".."Why on earth are people so quick to criminalize things that might be bad for people? Maybe we should also outlaw poor diets and have mandatory exercise requirements for everyone.The majority of health problems and death in the U.S. are caused by poor diet, and yet nobody's ever gone to jail for possession of a big mac.".."I know plenty of potheads that can't get by without their daily dose. However, it may be a result of the chronic hydro they are smoking - the chemicals in the nutrients and so on. That shit is pretty insane. But yeah legal pot would do way less damage than legal alcohol. And for the love of god start using hemp again for all of its wonderful purposes, its a real environment saver.".."besides, look at amsterdam, everyone is happy.".."I don't know how people can even hold a reasonable argument that marijuana is bad."..Alcohol is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. Marijuana isn't.".."How many people have OD'ed from Marijuana? Exactly 0?In all seriousness, the only logical argument is that putting smoke in your lungs isn't good for you. No fucking shit. THC comes in vapor form...and smoke form. It's a user choice to smoke it.Are cigarettes illegal? No. Is alcohol illegal? No. Do people act more irrational when they are drunk than stoned? In my opinion, YES.Seriously. Now add fun facts like THC can reduce cancer growth, or Marijuana does not cause cancer, and you sound like a bumbling fucknut arguing that Marijuana is bad.Prohibition of alcohol didn't work. Go pick up a book and read about all the bootlegging and gangsters and organized crime. The prohibition of marijuana isn't going to last much longer. Eventually all this anti-pot propaganda bullshit is going to fall through and someone is going to do something.-the opinion of a drug free college student (me)".."Just one word: beautiful."...."Ok, here it is, here is the entire anti-legalisation debate:"The fact is, drugs are illegal and thats that" - ok but that doesn't mean we shouldn't legalise them? "Drugs are bad!!" - yes, so are allot of things which are legal "Drugs are immoral" - what about Alcohol? "Alcohol is legal" - yeah it wasnt in America 100 years ago "Thats then this is now" - really? because I see an awful lot of similarities between the prohibition era and the war on drugs "Like what?" - well lets see, the black market, dangerous homemade substances, the mafia & gang wars, the underground movement? "Yeah whatever" - so you admit you're wrong? "No, look the fact is drugs are bad and if we legalise them everyone will be high" - how do you justify that? wheres your evidence? "Well just look at the number of people who are high now! Its gonna double, triple, quadruple!" - again, thats a guess, wheres the evidence? "How can you possibly say drug use wont increase?" - how can you possibly paint such a black and white picture! "I dont follow" - if drugs are legal they will be allot less potent the FDA etc will make sure of this "Then people will just buy illegal drugs for more of a kick" - wrong, most people want to buy things that they know dont contain rat poison, from a shopkeeper rather than dodgy things from an armed criminal in a back ally. "Yeah but there will still be people that do!" - sure there will, just like there is a very very small black market for illegal booze, however with all the free time the police will have they will be more than able to keep this under control - its far easy to police something when there is a legal alternative. "You Liberals are all the same, next you'll want to legalise prostitution and abortion" - actually im a Libertarian, I hate retarded Liberals and yes I believe the idea that its legal to pay someone for sex in front of a camera but illegal when the camera isnt involved is retarded. I also believe that very early term abortions (and most are early) should be legal as it is commonly accepted by the worlds major religious authorities AND medical science that there is a specific range of time before an egg/fetus becomes "living". Oh and for the record I also believe responsible citizens should be able to own guns and that reckless immigration policies allow terrorists and their supporters to enter the country at will and that the problem should be fixed with immigration caps and stricter checks "....."..HAVE AN OPINION: SEND IT!....WANNA READ MORE OF BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE RESOURCES??? LOG ON TO ALWAYS420FORUM.COM.....OR CHECK OUT DIGG.COM....(Wanna know where these opinions came from.... check this link rg/images/jacqui_poster.jpg&imgrefurl= 08_us_elections/Marijuana_does_NOT_cause_cancer&h=720&am p;w=528&sz=176&hl=en&start=47&um=1&tbnid =x6skOZHWf0IOBM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=103&prev=/images% 3Fq%3Dmarijuana%2Bsmokers%2Bblunts%26start%3D40%26ndsp%3D20% 26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4SUNA_en___US202%2 6sa%3DN......COPY AND PASTE FUCKERS! LEGALIZE IT!!!!!


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