This is only 6 of the 18 symbols. The 1$ is wrong and should say Annuit Coeptis in the picture.
666. 1$ 5$ 10$ 20$ 50$ 100$ 3 times.
Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum. This is the great seal of the United States of America/Satan.
Annuit Coeptis Definition-Announcing conception or birth of.
Novus Ordo Seclorum Definition- New order of the ages. One Secular Order
The bills are unfolded in the first sequence of 6.Display the side with the Great Seal showing in full unfolded for all 6.
Annuit Coeptis is the second sequence.The picture below is also the second sequence but the 1$ bill is folded wrong in the picture below.The towers dropping was the birth of the New World Order.The N.W.O. is in it's kid stage right now.
5$- Planes coming on both sides of towers
10$- Towers hit
20$- Pentagon hit
50$- Towers falling
100$- Smoke rising symbolizing the rise of the N.W.O.
Novus Ordo Seclorum is the last sequence.Folded the same way as the 1$ bill below.
5$- depicts all that is good and right about about the old order in America/world.
10$- The rise of Babylon. It is being rebuilt in Iraq on top of the old Babylon.Babylon will be the one world government capital of the world.The N.W.O. will be here with a vengeance once Babylon in Iraq is finished.
20$- The iron rod with an ax on it and is a symbol meaning to rule with a iron rod.(No Mercy).
Flip the 10$ and 20$ bill up in this sequence.
50$- Spiritual Emptiness in the world.
100$- Hell On Earth.
Satan and 5 skulls can be seen in the trees if you look real hard in the 100$ bill.Use a magnify glass or put it up to a light.The 5 skulls represent the 5 billion they will kill because they only have room for 1 billion. Perfect # (Selfish assholes) Don't look in the Devils face after completing the entire 666 sequence. You will unlock the great seal of the devil.It is a curse or spell or something as evil as you can imagine. He will mess with you. Or can bless you if you ask. But his blessing is a lie. You can sell your soul to the devil. I recommend reading Revelations because you will not be able to deny we are in the end times.
The all seeing eye is called the Eye Of Osiris. Osiris is mentioned plenty of times in the Satanic Bible. Secrets within secrets.
The high up 5% of Freemasons who really practice Satanism and know all these evil secrets continually tell their followers to seek the light. That light is Satan.
Look at the Freemason symbol. Then Look under the towers on the 10$ bill. Do you see the compass and ruler side by side? I do. They are making devil horns out of the compasses. The 100$ bill in the picture above came out in 1996 when Bill Clinton was in office. This shit has been planned for hundreds of years. I believe this because of artwork painted during the Renaissance era. The artwork is in the second video on my page. Isn't it fucked up how the pictures are in order exactly how the attacks went down.
The towers going down on our money has been depicted as far back as money from 1957 that I have seen with my own eyes. The 90- 95 series is the same shit also.They may have been doing this since 1933. That is when they began putting the Great Seal on our money. The seal was approved in 1782 but wasn't put on the money till 1933. The picture here spells MASON