jUsT a SiMpLe MaN iN a CoMpLeX wOrLd iZ aLL....
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........................Enter that which is open 2 U,.....the vastness of 1..s mind, soul, & heart. Enter the realm of the LIONS_CHILD,...............................1Luv, Always...........................
.......2 FeEl HeR HeArT iZ 2 FeEl ThE InTeNsItY Of A 1000 CaLi SuNs, i HeArT U mY CaLi BoOo BoOo..............
GOD, grant me the
2 accept the things
I cannot change,
2 change the things
I can, and
2 know the difference.
Bless this u..r sentinel Lord,
may i always see & feel,...
LIFE IS….LIFE is a gift… Accept It!
LIFE is a mystery… Unfold It!
LIFE is a puzzle… Solve It!
LIFE is song… Sing It!
LIFE is a beauty… Praise It!
LIFE is a game… Play It!
LIFE is promise… Fulfill It!
LIFE is a goal… Achieve It!
LIFE is an opportunity… Take It!
LIFE is an adventure… Dare It!
LIFE is a duty… Perform It!
LIFE is a challenge… Meet It!
LIFE is struggle … Fight It!
LIFE is a sorrow… Overcome It!
LIFE is a tragedy… Face It!
LIFE is a journey… Complete It!
MY QUEENS THIS IS WAT CUMS 2 MIND WHEN I THINK OF U.....ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can work F/T while finishin' school, raising respectful & intelligent children, be active in the PTA, be the pastor's assistant, and the choir president & make it all seem effortless.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can make a $1.00 out of 15 cents.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can go from the boardroom 2 the hood & "KEEP IT REAL" in both places.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can slap the taste out of ur mouth.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can live below the poverty level & yet set fashion trends.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can fight 2 struggles everyday & make it look easy.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can make a child happy on "Christmas Day" even if she/he didn't a damn thing.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can be 75 y.o. & look 45.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can make other women want 2 pay plastic surgeons top $$$ 4 physical features she was already born with.
...ONLY A WOMAN OF COLOR: Can be the MOTHER of civilization.
...4 the 4th, yet youngest of 13, 4 ever shall I roar 4 my clan..s lost. Rest Baby c,...I..ll C U soon....
...2 all of U that R included N this LION..s PRIDE,..look sharp, & think fast!! THIS PAW MAYBE THE 1 THAT ROCKS U..R SPOTS!!!...Now let OUR roaring begin!!
4 those that lost their lives 3x over during that ill-fated East Atlantic Voyage...
...Y the hurt Y the pain, they cry out 4 a pain that..s not of themselves, but 4 those of their tribes who R yet 2 B.
A story of 300yrs.{and COUNTING!!} that preludes yet another 1...
...let this moment become marked & membered 4 it is part of the ties that binds us...
Outside my window, a new day I see and only I can determine what kind of day it will be. It can be busy & sunny, laughing & gay, perhaps boring & cold, unhappy & gray. My own state of mind is the determining key; for I am only this person I let myself be. I can be thoughtful & do all I can to help, or be selfish & think just of myself. I can enjoy what I do and make it seem fun, or gripe & complain and make it hard on someone. I can be patient with those who may not understand, or belittle and hurt them as much as I can. But I have faith in myself, and believe what I say, and personally intend to make…The BEST OF EACH DAY!
...4 my Queens who R my Mothers & Sisters, it is bcause of U that I am born of life, the lessons of that which U have taught this cub shall never go unforgotton....
...2 my Kings who R my Fathers & Brothers, it is with U that whether N peace or at odds, it is still
together with U where I stand...
Let our community, this PRIDE of Lionesses & Lions, these black souls roar with the emotions of a pain & joy that is heartfelt....
Roar with a determination that maybe delayed, but never denied, so roar 4 those that we committ 2 our void, our pastures, our PRIDE!!!
4 all the haters out there, NO TYME IZ THE RYGHT TYME!! Catch 1 coke & hav a smile with the children of our tribe...
CoRrEcT uSe Of ThE "F" wOrD . . . When is @#$% Acceptable? Only eleven times in history where the "F" word has been considered for use. They are as follows:
11. "What the @#$% do you mean, we are sinking?" -- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912
10. "What the @#$% was that?" -- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945
9. "Where did all those @#$%in’ Indians come from?" -- Custer, 1877
8. "Any @#$%in’ idiot could understand that." -- Einstein, 1938
7. "It does so @#$%in’ look like her!" -- Picasso, 1926
6. "How the @#$% did you work that out?" -- Pythagoras, 126 BC
5. "You want WHAT on the @#$%in’ ceiling?" -- Michelangelo, 1566
4. "Where the @#$% are we?" -- Amelia Earhart, 1937
3. "Scattered @#$%in’ showers, my ass!" -- Noah, 4314 BC
2. "Aw c'mon. Who the @#$% is going to find out?" -- Bill Clinton, 1998
aNd A dRuM RoLL pLeAsE............
1. "Geez, I didn't think they'd get this @%#*^in’ mad." -- Saddam Hussein, 2003
Remember, the best business about ANY business, Is 2 mind u’r own & if U don’t hav any kind of business... Then make it u’r business 2 leave other people’s Business…ALONE!!!!! {Or U cAn JuSt BuRn SuM CaLoRiEs!!}
BuRiN’ CaLoRiEs!!!Givin’head massages the jaw while burnin’ 32-82 cal
Swallowin’ foreign body juices is actually like taking vitamins and it whitens your teeth
Havin’ nice sex................................358 cal
Havin’ rough sex {feel the burn}...............543 cal
Takin’ off her clothes
with her consent................................12 cal
without........................................187 cal
Takin’ off her Bra
With two hands...................................8 cal
With one hand...................................12 cal
With mouth......................................85 cal
Puttin’ on Protection
Stiff............................................6 cal
Mr. Softee.....................................315 cal
Lookin’ for target..............................18 cal
Findin’ G spot..................................92 cal
I don't f**kin’ care.............................0 cal
Entry Holdin’ her.....................................12 cal
On the floor.....................................8 cal
With Different Position
Missionary.....................................358 cal
Doggy..........................................386 cal
69 lying.......................................286 cal
69 standin’....................................512 cal
African Pounce!!...............................912 cal
PuNcHiN' HER/HIS clock!!......................2000 cal
Fakin’ azz!.....................................15 cal
Da' BoMb!!....................................1200 cal
BoMbAsTiC!!!!.................................1500 cal
After "O"
Lying in the Bed.............................................12 cal
Hoppin' off the bed.............................36 cal
Wonderin’ why she left pissed off..............816 cal
Getting dressed Quiet & calm....................................32 cal
Rushin’.........................................98 cal
Heard BF/GF opening the door..................1218 cal
Heard other peeps @ the door..................1942 cal
When you fall in love with the wrong 1 you may cheat, lie and treat that person badly.
When you realize you fell in love with the wrong 1 that all changes and you may let yourself go as a person disappear into the 1 that you love.
When you the love the wrong 1 the things you'll do, the things you'll accept and the things you'll forget about would be incredible, disappointing or flat out unexplainable.
Love is some crazy shit, you can fall in love with the wrong 1, the right 1 or fall in lust for a moment w/ sum1 else and that may like love. Either way u’r still screwed.
Sisters & Brothers stop this madness that causes our own sadness! 4 those that have prepared paths,...LET NOT THEIR SACRIFICES GO UNHERALD....
...2 get a piece of what this child is roaring about, feel me on this piece from "Set it Off".
"UP AGAINST THE WIND"...The song tht played during the scene near the end when Queen L..s character faced off with the cops,...that soulful piece that played shotgun up until the next scene. If U know what I refer 2, then U may hav an idea of what that reflects..
Now this doesn..t mean that this child is all work and no play,...(come now,...U know being a kat iz where it at!!!),...I do get off with a smile when I see that
time,..life,...& JAH ALLOWING THE O-op.
This iz it people, no rights, no lefts, no hits, no errors, NO NONSENSE,...keep those 2 U..RSELVES!!!!
2 show all the other arrays of U..R Jah bless given senses...
Sisters,...my QUEENS,...REGARDLESS of your orientation/preference I..m here 4 U 2,..knowing the value of...."A TRUE WOMAN..s WORTH" because I..m here THANKZ 2 U!!!
Brothers,...fellow KINGS!!,...with so many roles 2 cover know this,...IF U LUV THE 1s THAT BIRTHED & RAISED U, THEN LUV THE 1s.. THAT CONTINUE WITH THE NEXT LEVEL OF SUPPORT 2 U!!
Yeah, yeah this katz deep, how many levelz do U possess?!
This inquiring child wants 2 know....
...p.s. U know the drill, if U R feelin.. what was roared, hit my R-spot. 4 all the rest, U should know that there R no batteries included!!!
4 the youngest cub of 13 strong, baby C., how many tymes shall I think of opportunities 4 ever lost w/ 1 gained, that of a sentinel sibling, longing 4 what is his birth right, 2 take the O-op of that twisted 1 called fate, and its.. idea of poetic irony.....
..winter may 4 ever set within unsure walls. A tyme 4 hybernithe, a journey thru domains ascented within a chilled soul....
Live life yes, but treasure the beautiful 1..s that made the journey with U. Walk with me my sisters & brothers....
SITE..s is EVOLVING,...SO WALK WITH ME AS I TRAVEL....feelin.. me?!
So in closing I would bring to U part of WHY OUR QUEENS ARE DEFINITELY WORTHY,....
~~~~~~Beauty of a Woman........
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart.
The place where love & life resides.
The beauty of a woman IS NOT a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman with passing years,......ONLY GROWS.
What if there were no BLACK PEOPLE in the world?...This is a story of a little boy named Tyrone, who woke up one morning and asked GOD, “What if there were no BLACK PEOPLE in the world?â€
Well, GOD, thought about that for a moment and then said, “Son, follow me around today and let’s see what it would be like if there were no BLACK PEOPLE in the world. Get dressed and we will get started.â€
Tyrone ran to his room to put on his clothes and shoes. But there were no shoes, and his clothes were all wrinkled. He looks for the iron, but he reached for the ironing board, it was no longer there. You see SARAH BOONE, a BLACK WOMAN, invented the ironing board, and JAN E. MATZELINGER, a BLACK MAN invented the shoe lasting machine.
“Oh well,†GOD said, “Go and do your hair.†Tyrone ran back into his room to comb his hair, but the comb was not there. You see, WALTER SAMMONS, a BLACK MAN, invented the comb. Tyrone decided to just brush his hair, but the brush was gone. You see LYDIA O. NEWMAN; a BLACK WOMAN invented the brush.
Well, he was a sight, no shoes, wrinkled clothes, hair a mess without hair care inventions of MADAM C.J. WALKER, --well, you get the picture. GOD told Tyrone, “Let’s do the chores around the house & take a trip to the grocery store.â€
Tyrone’s job was to sweep the floor. He swept and swept. When he reached for the dustpan, it was not there. You see LLOYD P. RAY, a BLACK MAN, invented the dustpan. So he had to sweep the pile of dirt into a corner & left it there. He then decided to mop the floor, but the mop was gone too. You see THOMAS W. STEWART, a BLACK MAN, invented the mop.
Tyrone thought to himself, “I’m not having any luck.†“Well, son,†GOD said. “We should wash the clothes & prepare a list for the grocery store.†When he was finished, Tyrone went to place the clothes into the dryer, but that too was not there. You see, GEORGE T. SAMON, a BLACK MAN, invented the clothes dryer. Tyrone got a pencil and some paper to prepare the list for the market, but noticed that the pencil lead was broken as well he was out of luck because JOHN LOVE, a BLACK MAN, invented the pencil sharpener. He reached for a pen, but it was not there either because WILLIAM PURVIS, a BLACK MAN invented the fountain pen. As a matter of fact, LEE BURRIDGE invented the typewriting machine, and W.A. LAVETTE, the printing press.
So they decided to head out for to the market. Well, when Tyrone opened the door, he noticed the grass was as high as he was tall. You see JOHN BURR, a BLACK MAN, invented the lawn mower.
They made their way over to the car and found that it just wouldn’t go. You see, ROBERT SPIKES, a BLACK MAN, invented the automatic gearshift and JOSEPH GAMMEL invented the supercharged system for internal combustion engines.
They noticed that the few cars that were moving were running into each other and having wrecks because there were no traffic lights. You see, GARRETT A. MORGAN, a BLACK MAN invented the traffic light.
Well, it was getting late, so they walked to the market, got their groceries and returned home. Just when they were about to put away the milk, eggs and butter, they noticed the refrigerator was gone. You see, JOHN STANDARD, a BLACK MAN, invented the refrigerator. So they just put the food on the counter.
By this time, they noticed it was getting mighty cold. Tyrone went to turn up the heat and what do you know, ALIVE PARKER, a BLACK WOMAN, invented the heating furnace. Even in the summer time they would have been out of luck because FREDRICK JONES, a BLACK MAN, invented the air conditioner.
It was almost time for Tyrone’s mother to arrive home. She usually took the bus, but there was no bus because its precursor was the electric trolley, invented by another BLACK MAN, ELBERT T. ROBINSON. She usually took the elevator from her office on the 20th floor, but there was no elevator because ALEXANDER MILES, a BLACK MAN, invented the elevator. She usually dropped off the mail at a nearby mailbox, but it was no longer there because PHILLIP DOWNING, a BLACK MAN, invented the letter drop mailbox and WILLIAM BARRY invented the postmarking and canceling machine.
Tyrone sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. When his mother arrived he asked, “Why are sitting in the dark?†Why?? Because LEWIS HOWARD LATIMER, a BLACK MAN, invented the filament within the light bulb.
Tyrone quickly learned what if would be like if there were no BLACK PEOPLE in the world.
Not to mention if he ever got sick and needed blood. CHARLES DREW, a BLACK SCIENTIST, found a way to preserve and store blood, which led to his starting the world’s first blood bank.
And what if a family member had to have surgery. This would not have been possible without DR. DANIEL HALE WILLIAMS, a BLACK DOCTOR, who performed the first open heart surgery.
So if you ever wonder, like Tyrone, where we would be without BLACK PEOPLE? Well, it’s pretty plain to see, we could very well still be in the dark!!!
I asked GOD to take away my pains.
GOD said, “No my child, it is not for me to take away, but for U to give upâ€.
I asked GOD to make my handicap whole.
GOD said, “No my child. U’r spirit is whole & u’r body is only temporaryâ€.
I asked GOD to grant me patience.
GOD said, “No my child. Patience is a by-product of tribulations, it isn’t granted...it is learnedâ€.
I asked GOD to give me happiness.
GOD said, “No my child. I give U blessings. Happiness is up to Uâ€.
I asked GOD to spare my pains.
GOD said, “No my child. Suffering draws U apart from worldly cares & brings U closer to meâ€.
I asked GOD to make my spirit grow.
GOD said, “No my child. U must grown u’r own, but I will prune U to make U fruitfulâ€.
I asked GOD to help me to love others, as much as he loves me.
GOD said, â€My child now U have the idea.â€
…The key to love one another as GOD loves U. We are all one because we came from one, and that’s GOD…
T o t h e w o r l d U m a y b e o n e p e r s o n , . . . . b u t t o 1 p e r s o n U m a y b e t h e w o r l d . . .
...........LATER HATERS!!!!!!!