Dance, music, capoiera, movies, food, photography, art, psychology, family (Blood and extended), fashion, intelligent conversation, antiques, anime, books, philosophy, concious living, cult of personality, love, beauty, biking, rollerblading, performance art, guerilla theater, burningman, freaks, wierdos and perverts
Beautiful people, beyond skin deep. People who arent afraid of a real connection. Intimate friends. Artists. Dynamic people who arent afraid to talk.
Al Green, Fadu, Lyrics Born, NIN, Tool, Perfect Circle, Godspeed you Black Emperor, Johnny Cash, Dregd, Lhasa, Avenue Q, Chemical Brothers, Beastie Boys, lounge, Rage against the Machine, Dream Theater, Aesop Rock, Air, Ani DiFranco, Aphex Twin, Louis Armstrong, Classical, Beatles, Boards of Canada, Cake, Combustible Edison, Covenant, The Cure, Miles Davis, Dead Can Dance, Depeche Mode, DJ Shadow, RJD2, Fiona Apple, VNV Nation, Front 242, Zero Seven, Gorillaz, Stan Getz, Dexter Gordon, Hamasake Ayumi, Hide, Zeebra, Infected Mushroom, Juno Reactor, KLF, Lamb, Led Zeppelin, Doors, Mars Volta, Modest Mouse, MOLOKO!, Bill Monroe, Nirvana, Oingo Boingo, Orb, Parliment, Pink Floyd, Placebo, Poe, Portishead, Prince, Professional Murder Music, Radiohead, Rasputina, Sasha, Rob Zombie, Sigur Ros, Smashing Pumpkins, Splashdown, Sublime, System of a Down, Tenacious D, Violent Femmes, Wumpscut
Anything by Jans Svankmyer, Intacto, Mary Poppins, Xmen 1 & 2, Cane Toads, Anything by Terry Gilliam, Cube, Monty Python, Casablanca, Seventh Seal, Dreams, 7 Samurai, Matrix (1), Existenz, Tampopo, Drunken Master, Howls Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Akira, many more...
Dont watch much of it, but I liked: Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Star Trek, Law and Order, Dead like Me, HR Puffnstuff, Gravitation, Naruto, Helsing, and a bunch more Anime
The Prophet, Master and Margerita, Dune, God of Small things, Tropic of Cancer, Lao Tzu, Brothers Karamozoff, Shakespeare, Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Robbins, 1984, Farenhiet 451, Spider Robinson, Robert A. Heinlein, and many more... Playwrights too!
Ghandi, John Lennon, Einstien, Emperor Norton, Andy Warhol, Akira Kurosawa, my parents, Amy Goodman, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Jesus (Wasn't god, in my opinion, but a damn cool dude with some good concepts.) Muhammed, Buddha, Wellstone, Muhammad Ali, Benjamin Franklin and many more. Anyone who stands up for truth and justice no matter what the cost.