Mika profile picture


About Me

Hello, My name is Mika. I can be a shy and awkward person most of the time. My boyfriend says its hard for people to get to know me and I think that's true although I try to be as nice as I can. You can usually see me zoning out or doodling in class and/or just about any where. Sometimes I think life is more amusing and entertaining in my head than in real-life. I think hardcore beliefs are dangerous so I try to form ideas instead. I graduated from a new school called Middle College. I turned 18 in october and also took general classes at JCC. I am now taking cosmetology there.

Art is one my favorite hobbies, i think its so fun creating things. I like drawing manga-styled things the most. I'm trying to draw new and more original works though. Sailor Moon was what got me into anime and manga is what got me into drawing it. I am really interested in street art and graffiti right now, its awesome! I know I'm not the best but i do look forward to working hard and learning new techniques to help me get better and expand my horizon. My dream is to be a small time/big time something or other ...which is very unlikely because there is SO much competition. Oh well, wish me luck.. : /

My Favorite Gifs

Here you can see my budding collection of hats!!
All of these are 100% made by me.
I also do custom hats!
Payment information is at the bottom.



Payment is Paypal or Money Order.
I do not accept cash or checks.
If you don't have paypal,
go to www.paypal.com and register your bank!
The price depends on what hat it is.

If you are still interested in buying a hat, fill out this form and message it to me! :3

Hat Form


(to send paypal money request)

Hat Name:


Questions and Comments:

Custom Hat


(to send paypal money request)

Hat Description:

Pictures or Sketches *required*:


Questions and Comments:

*Note* The hats I make are made out of fleece, only so much detail can go into fleece creations so please keep that in mind. I also have the right to decline a custom hat because of that.

The hat will be made as soon as possible after payment has gone through. Hats will be shipped within 3 days.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



View More Pics

"I draw, make hats, work out, and beat peoples faces!"
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Location: NC, USA
Status: Single
URL: http://www.myspace.com/mikachristopher

My Favorite Gifs

Hey There, I'm Mika!(pronounced Meeka) and yes it is my real name. If you haven't already noticed, I'm pretty geeky! I'm weird and that's the first thing you should know about me. I moved to North Carolina about 6 years ago from Alberta Canada. My Sister still lives there with her husband Leo and her beautiful baby Gabriel. My Brother now lives in Australia with his girlfriend. I can be shy and awkward at times. Even though some say its hard for people to get to know me, I try to be as nice as I can to everybody. I honestly make an effort to be un-judgmental. Even though I'm really non-religious, I have my own morals. You can usually see me zoning out and drawing. Learning new things is what I really enjoy doing. I graduated in the beginning of 06 and turned 18 last october.


Are you a real person? Are you a spammer?
Yes I am and Omg! Why would a spammer make a profile like this, or put this much crap on one page? Most spammers have weird coding on their page and only have one picture.

Do I know you? Why do you want to be my friend?
A: If I requested you, probably not. But i added you because I thought your page was interesting. We both have common interests. Why else would I add you? If you aren't mutually interested, deny me, you don't have to leave me a nasty message @_@. I hate feeling like I have to submit an application to be your friend. Its Myspace, not a job interview people! Haha!

Why won't you reply to my messages?
A: I use to not be able to send messages but now that I can, I get a lot. I try to reply to everyone, but sometimes I'm human and fall behind, sorry!

How did you make your profile?
A: Its one huge div overlay with a bunch of table, divs, and banners thrown in. I use photoshop to do the banner things. I don't actually know HTML, but I do use Dreamweaver often. Its my baby ^0^.

How do I pay for a Hat?
Go to mikahats.com !

Don't demand art from me, like I said i am really really flattered some of u like my stuff, but I just don't appreciate it...

Comment Here!



Here you can see a little preview of my art.
If you would like to see more, you can visit my personal web site:

Art is one my favorite hobbies, i think its so fun creating things. I love drawing anime styled stuff, I just think its such a fun style even though I get shit for it sometimes haha. I'm trying to draw new and more original works though. Sailor Moon was what got me into anime and manga is what got me into drawing it. I am really interested in street art and graffiti right now, its awesome! I know I'm not the best but i do look forward to working hard and learning new techniques to help me get better and expand my horizon. At this time art is just a hobby of mine. Hopefully one day I'll be doing it as a job.

I draw so much random crap each day I might as well put it on here.
I'll be keeping up with this pretty often.
Be sure to look for bulletins with updates!

May 03, 2007

One of my own cosplay designs. What do you think? Should I got Black and White or Blue and White?

April 16, 2007

Yay, its my new MikaHats Sign! w00t!


Hmm, you will probably be seeing this else where soon!


Summer Cyber Kitty Girl!

Random? Noooo


Ipod Girl.


Drew this on today's snowy day. ^.^. Yeah, I just noticed her anatomy probs. haha, don't rub it in! haha


Ignore the little F'ed up parts. It was to big to scan all of it at once and I kinda had to put it all back together again oMini- FAQ

Demand: OMG, Draw me a pic ok?Thanx!
A: Nope, I am getting sick of people asking me to draw them "anime" or asking me to draw crap for their car or design a tattoo. I don't appreciate people demanding things, especially when its the first time we've spoken! 0Are you taking commisions?: I'm currently not taking orders, sorry!

Comment Here!


Visit MikaHats.com!

Welcome to my hat section! When i'm not drawing, I'm creating hats.They are very durable, each seam is tested for rips, holes, and tears. Also, each seam is reinforced with a double stitch at each end. These hats are great to wear when you want to liven up a party, start a conversation, or just be plain cute! They also make fantastic gifts.
Character Hats $20
Bunny Hats $25
Ear Flap Hats $25

Happy Customers =3
Here are some of the many customers that love their MikaHats!

Bunny Hats
To view these hats in detail, visit mikahats.com!

EarFlap Hats
To view these hats in detail, visit mikahats.com!

Character Hats $20
To view these hats in detail, visit mikahats.com!

Mini FAQ

Q:Do you make the hats?
A: YES! I don't buy these and then resell them. I buy the fabric, cut the pattern out and machine sew them.
Q:How do I purchase one of your hats ?
A: I use to sell them straight off my myspace page, but now that I made a seperate website, You can buy them off MikaHats.com and also on FashionAnime.com . All you need is an address and credit card, and I never see you personal/credit card info. Read more on my FAQ .
Q: Do you do custom hats ?
A:I sure do! Visit and fill out the custom hat form.
Q:What size should I get?
A: There are three sizes to choose from: Adult, Child, and Baby. Keep in mind that I cannot make hats for each persons head diameter. Many people order the adult size because it fits any head pre-teen and up. These hats are super stretchy and fit almost everyone. This means that on some people will have a more snug fit, and others have a looser fit.
-Baby Size fits babies ages 0-3 or a child with a small head.
-Child Size fits children ages 4-10 and adults with very small heads.
-Adult Size fits Pre-teens and adults ages 11 and up.

Comment Here!

If you want, we can exchange link banners! Just copy and paste the code below to add my banner to your page. If you have a banner, send me a message and I'll be sure to add you too!! My Banners:
You DO NOT need my permision to add them to your site!

Sweet Girl and a Great Artist!

To link to my MySpace...

Courtesy of Akera!

If you like my hats...

Go to MikaHats.com to purchase your hat =3
Comment Here!

Comment Here!

My Blog

OMFG The Pain!

Aw, If only Mori-Kun cared enough about my toothache as much as he does for Hunny Sempai's...Boooo T.T. But then again I'm not a lolli-shota guy that looks cute while he is in torment by some tooth pr...
Posted by Mika on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 08:03:00 PST

I Really Hope He...

...didn't screw me up as much as I am too scared to admit, even to myself sometimes. I guess that sounds "emo". Honestly though, I'm just very scared right now. Sometimes it hits me. I'm starting to t...
Posted by Mika on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:26:00 PST

Animazement 2007

I'm so sad!  I had a fantastic time at AZ 07. All good things come to an end and unfortunately that goes for Animazement as well..booooo...T.T I guess I should start from the beginning. I worked ...
Posted by Mika on Mon, 28 May 2007 09:00:00 PST

My Rant: the Stewie Griffin Way!

First things first, I'm going to write this blog like Stewie conducted his employee evaluation when he hired his dog Brian. "Say something positive, followed by a negative, and ending with a positi...
Posted by Mika on Tue, 22 May 2007 07:35:00 PST

Bad Things Happen In 3's

1) My father lost his job....2) My almost 5 year relationship ended because my boyfriend cheated and abused me....3) I found my cat dead today....I watched my mom cry hysterically for an hour because ...
Posted by Mika on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:34:00 PST

I needed to write something >.>

What do I need to write about? The fact that I can't explain what I'm feeling I guess. Being single is such a surreal concept for me. Its like a breath of fresh air while being a fish out of water >...
Posted by Mika on Thu, 17 May 2007 12:14:00 PST

My Life?

Hello Everyone,I don't really know what to say right now, but I feel like I should post something. Its hard to explain what I feel right now, four days after the break up. The world seems much mo...
Posted by Mika on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:07:00 PST

Mika's Fitness Stuff and What Not

OK, so I haven't completely forgotten my New Years resolutions! I've made it a big effort to exersise a lot since I'm at home all the time. This is because I dropped my cosmetology due to it real...
Posted by Mika on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:43:00 PST

VT Massacre

I'm sure everyone has heard about it and its seriously disturbing. It just makes me incredibly angry at people like that. The shooter complained that nobody understood him but (and this is my opinion)...
Posted by Mika on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 04:13:00 PST


PAYPAL FAQ / HOW-TO WTF is PayPal? Many People are confused about PayPal. If you have ever shopped on Ebay or any other online auction site you probably did it through PayPal. PayPal is a site/too...
Posted by Mika on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:29:00 PST