Phil Phamous profile picture

Phil Phamous

such an easy life to be I

About Me

i sleep (badly), i work (not very hard) and occasionaly i wisk girls into fits of delerium (im good at that) ..... xxxxxxx dont look like the photo anymore, lost weight and got my hair cut, form an orderly que please xxxCOMING SOON!! pics of my sisters car, or whats left of it. MARVEL, at the damage, Gasp, at the miaraculous escape. LAUGH, at how the dopey bird managed to do it at 30mph. stay tuned! A href=""

My Interests

books, guitars, amps, low down gutbucket blues, sweets, hair dye, dr.pepper, dark rum, cigarettes, patterns/shapes, quirky art, copper, bronze, stainless steel, circuit boards, hip/waist ratios, dressing up, that noise drinks cans make when you open them, ooooo i love that. Cats, monsters.tapes as neckware, the colour red, powertools sharp knives, good pens, glue that drys fast and sticks hard, polka dots, stripes, bAd speling. lips and fingertips. science, stability

I'd like to meet:

I really need to be playing some music right now, HELP ME!! anyone want to start a trashy blues rock combo? we can do rock, metal, blues goff, indie, ska, electro anyfucking thing message me.Phil Phamous currrant favourite thing in the world is: my sisters cats, sam and millie. (and a certain missys kisses)


ok, here goes, juicifer, serafin, ivys itch, the groundhogs, blahblahblah, QUEEN ADREENA (sooo much) plaster of paris aaaaand Super Nashwan, the moon, birthday party, punish the atom, a.t.r., the wildhearts, the get outs, quotsa, fatels, anything heroic, steoic, sleazy or trashyPS: NO TIGHT WHITE DENIM WEARING TWATS. only the manics made that look cool and they were ripping it off. BEGONE!


Queen Adreena - FM Doll

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