May 1
Hey everybody and thank you very much for checking out my site! Our new DVD Blue Collar Comedy The Next Generation comes out May 20 in stores everywhere. I hope you get a chance to check it out and enjoy it!
I'm out on tour with Larry the Cable Guy the next few months and then I'm going to hit a bunch of clubs this summer and can't wait! Come out and check out a show and say hi if you get a chance.
I think I kind of screwed up, because for my wife's birthday I thought it was a good idea to buy my wife a sewing machine. She said my clothes looked like they were falling apart! Well, she got pissed! She sewed all my boxers to the top of my t-shirts. That way when I put on my t-shirt on my underwear goes over the top of my head. I asked her what the hell that was all about? She said if I was going to act like my head was up my ass, it might as well look like it! What? It stinks in there!
If you get a chance check out Blue Collar 103 on Sirius Radio on Tuesdays at 9 am eastern. I'm doing a show with my buddy Lance Smith from CMT top 20. We are having a blast! We've had Bill Engvall, Larry, Jeff Foxworthy, Gladys Hardy, Justin McKinney and we are just getting started! Thanks again and e-mail me and let me know what you think of the shows!
Your friend,
Visit my official web site at RenoCollier.com .