Carl profile picture


patience in all things...

About Me

Born in Portland and raised in the pacific northwest. I had once thought I might leave this area of the country for afew years and try out other waters, but I landed a good job and decided to stay put. I often value stability and reliabilty over excitement, but I have been willing to pull away into the unknown moreoften now.Am I ready for a major change in my lifestyle, hmmm.... Some days yes, other days hell no! I like being rooted to a certain degree, and many times in the past it has allowed me to extend a helping hand or pullmy own or someone elses fat out of the fire, but I do grow weary of doing that for certain people (not everyone, justcertain people).I'm logically minded, but I find higher math and science exceedingly boring. I much prefer applied learning andknowledge. However, I do enjoy the 'toys' available (mp3 players, cell phones, computers, etc...) that others havecreated or contributed to the improvement of by their steadfast dedication to those fine arts I listed above.

My Interests

computers, tech toys, wine, origami, live music, sports, spontaneous road trips, and photography.

I'd like to meet:

Who I don't want to meet is more like the question! If your are a webcam video purveyor, Don't send me a friend request!!!Anyone else, feel free to send me a message.


Kaitlyn ni Donovan,Silk & Olive,I AM The ARM,The High Violets,Darby O'Gill,My Life in Black and White,Gruesome Galore,Juno Reactor,Bone Thugs-N-Harmony,Black Eyed Peas,Dead Can Dance,The Prodigy,...


What did I last go see???? I love Netflix!


Battlestar Galactica, Stargate (both series), Lost, CSI, The Shield, Veronica Mars, ER, and a few random shows if I happen to have nothing better to do. I tape everything above so I can skip the commercials. Dead Like Me.


Sci-fi and Fantasy writers mostly:

Orson Scott Card, John Steakley, Fred Saberhagen, Jack Lovejoy, Larry Niven, Fredrick Pohl, C.J. Cherryh, Andre Norton, and Poul Anderson.


my oldest sister

My Blog

do you like your own company?

My core has always been self sufficiency. That's what allows me to deal with stressful situations in my life. I trust myself implicitly even if I'm totally screwing up. The way I see it, I'm the only ...
Posted by Carl on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 02:32:00 PST

stray thoughts 06/22/2006 number 3

Some decisions are best implemented a bit at a time. That way you can see the reactions caused by the them, and modify or reverse course as needed.
Posted by Carl on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:15:00 PST

stray thoughts 06/22/2006 number 2

As I get older, I'm getting better at spotting relationships with staying power thattranscend your entire life, and those with specific purposes (sex, business, coworker,hobby, education, family, etc....
Posted by Carl on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:05:00 PST

stray thoughts 06/22/2006 number 1

I like my current roots, but not all of the fruit my actions have born.
Posted by Carl on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:21:00 PST

What the oral surgeon said

So I had a problem with cystic acne for years. According to many dermatologist the best way to treat this is: 1.) Massive doses of antibiotics in pill form. 2.) Topical treatments like Retin...
Posted by Carl on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 09:41:00 PST

Pulled tooth

I tell you what people, you should avoid drinking a bunch of wine at a wine tasting when you're only a week out from having your tooth pulled. The gum in that spot felt like someone had been wacking o...
Posted by Carl on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 08:11:00 PST

I can eat milk products again!!!

For those of you that know me well (or have eaten with me) you know that I have been extremely lactose intolerant for since high school. Well about a month ago I started taking acidophilus pills to in...
Posted by Carl on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:28:00 PST

Cool track.

Posted by Carl on Sun, 02 Oct 2005 01:21:00 PST

A circle of cranes.

Posted by Carl on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST