UPDATE: The Salty website is on vacation! In the meantime, you can check us out on etsy !Salty/ilikeitsalty.com is the creative outlet of Nicole Hopman. It all started in June of 2003 when Nicole realized that if she kept creating at the rate she was going, the house would be overrun, so it was time to let a few things go. The fabric stash grew, the website grew, and the rest is what you see now.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the help of her husband, Shawn, and a whole lot of friends who help with everything from promoting the site to buying our products to travelling to craft fairs and carrying stuff around. You're all the best!
A few times a year, we also donate part of our sales to animal-friendly organizations. Most recently, we raised money for To Hell and Back Bully Breed Rescue in CT. Previously, we worked with Spook City Records to raise money to fight the pit bull breed ban in Ontario, Canada. Last year, we raised money to sponsor turkeys at Farm Sanctuary.