.:Dawn:. profile picture


The butt that was grabbed by the hand of Tony Stewart's crew chief!

About Me

I'm not perfect nor do I try to be. I'm sweet, but not innocent. I live in a small hick town in the middle of NOWHERE and it’s impossible to escape the stench of cows and alfalfa...Just encase you’re wondering, that eye watering aroma will clear a stuffy nose faster than Sudafed. I've been blamed for the demise of a handful of marriages and a few civil wars in various small countries in South America. *Side note - I take full responsibility for the marriages, but I swear I had nothing to do with the civil wars*. I'm a big car freak. My husband's '67 Cougar is *MY* baby. I'll take a day at the track or tinkering in the garage any day over the typical girlie-girl stuff. I have a strange fascination with the smell of fabric softener. I like to wear pajamas during the day but not to bed. I wear flip-flops with everything and I'm cool enough to pull it off. I like to think that I can roller blade uphill but deep down I know that it’s impossible. I have to eat my M-n-M's in a certain order. Yes I do have OCD and I'm proud of it too. It's a gift I tell you! How many people do you know that will use a tape measure to put the furniture back in its proper place after vacuuming? A word of advice before I go....I don't recommend climbing trees if you're naked because you’ll end up with scrapes in uncomfortable places.
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My Interests

ohhhhhhh it doesn't get any better than this....my favorite song and the sexiest man on earth all in one!

I'd like to meet:

I'd do just about anything to meet I love everything about him. From his driving talent and bad boy attitude to his 3 day unshaven squishy, puffy cheeks! He's just so darn sexy! *sigh*


I'm a country girl at heart, but I listen to just about everything. Everything except for death metal....that gives me an instant migraine.


Shawshank Redemption is my all time favorite movie. Closely followed by Office Space. I love comedies. I don't really like watching action movies. Yes, I'm that annoying person that analyzes and tries to make logical sense out of a movie.


I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Six Feet Under. When I have the freetime I like to watch The Simpsons , Scrubs, and just about anything that's on Comedy Central. I can't leave out the Disney channel or Nickelodeon....fruit salad, yummy yummy!


I have kids so if it rhymes, is about a superhero/princess, or by Doctor Suess it's on my list.


I don't idolize people...everyone is imperfect.

My Blog

blah :(

yesterday morning my twice cursed father in law (because one cursing just isn't enough for that man) calls me while i'm at work. i knew his reason for calling as soon as i saw his name on the caller ...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:23:00 PST

spur of the moment road trip to vegas...

friday my girlfriend christina and i took off to vegas for the weekend...with 5 kids. no thanks to the wonderful phoenix I-10 westbound rush hour traffic, 5 tiny bladders, hundreds of "mommy i have to...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 09:25:00 PST

my new theme song

"Strong" by Tracy LawrenceIn her bare feet, white cotton dressA ribbon holding back her curlsIn a sweet gentle voice, she sings a lullabyTo two sleepy little girlsIn the nightlight glow as her babies ...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:21:00 PST

Nascar race @ PIR

We took Brittany to her first NASCAR race this weekend at PIR. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy and excited. I've created a racing monster. She truly is my mini me.....addicted to cars, speed...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:27:00 PST

Ice cream - $3.95; Cop breaking into his car - PRICELESS!!!

So last night my hubby went to get some ice cream. When he got to the store there was a sheriff deputy standing outside of his patrol car fidgitting with something. As my husband walked closer he coul...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:24:00 PST

Christmas songs for those with personality disorders.....

1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are3. Dementia --- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas4. Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:00:00 PST

I couldn't believe what I read...

My 11 year old has a new math teacher and that teacher sent home a contact information sheet to be filled out by the parents. I start filling it out. The first section asks for parent's name...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:46:00 PST

What I realized today....

After the ear piercing shrills from the smoke detectors that woke all of us up somewhere around 5am ........ because the heater turned on for the first time in 2 years .... I realized a few things. Th...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 11:41:00 PST

I killed too many brain cells and don't have a clever title for this one...sorry

I'm all out of bread and can't make sandwiches for school lunches tomorrow so I ask my hubby to go to the store for me to get bread and a churro from the bakery too. Mmmmmmmmmmm churros!!! Anyway, he ...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:12:00 PST


So ya'll know that I'm not a cat person and my husband came home with a new kitten on Saturday. I was confident that my dogs would run it off. After all they don't like our other cat Zoe. Well last ni...
Posted by .:Dawn:. on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 03:21:00 PST