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Perfect Love and Trust...You will find it here...

About Me

I am what i am... just me, nothing more, nothing less... I'm deeply fascinated by The Moon, Nature, Art, Love, Light and Beauty... I believe all this is inter-linked in my life... None of these things can be without the others... I can take pleasure of everything in life, even from the most painful or sad situation, i can see Goodness in every living Soul ... I fall in Love for any kind of Beauty, form of Light or Goodness... every day, every minute, every second...for as long has I will live... and there's nothing You, no matter who you might be, can do to change that... That's just the way I am...That's just who I Am

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What's your inner Faerie?
You are a faerie of the flame. You tend to lose your temper at the littlest thing, hot-headed. You're a loyal friend to those who can understand your raging moods. You're social though claim not to be. You are no one else but yourself and sometimes you try to hard to be just that. You're a passionate friend, and would do almost anything for those you care for.
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You are the Moon Faery!
Which Faery Are You?
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You are a true nature girl!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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Myspace Cursors
Take the quiz: "What Type of Flirt are You?"

Subtle Flirt
Were you just winking at us? We couldn't quite tell... In fact, we think it's pretty safe to say that you're a Subtle Flirt you're a master of the flirting game. You know how to attract attention from anyone, any time. A quick come-hither smile, a little game of look-away-and-look-back-again before long you have the object of your affection wrapped around your little finger. One of the best things about your approach is that it's discreet. You can always act innocent and coy if something gets taken out of context or misunderstood. Just make sure you're not too subtle, or you may end up playing the game all by yourself.Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"

You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.Take the quiz: "What do you love about making love?"

You are a lover of love. You love to love and be loved. You are perhaps a hopeless romantic but those are rare nowadays. Think of it as a gift. Whether you are saving yourself for that special someone or you have already found him or her. You are part of an almost extinct species of human. The kind that believe in true love... Because love is truly beautiful!
You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins
the journey into the unknown. To do this, he
does not regard the world he knows as firm
and fixed. He has a seemingly reckless
disregard for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite
deck, he is seen stepping off a cliff with
his gaze on the sky, and a rainbow is there
to catch him. In order to explore and expand,
one must disregard convention and conformity.
Those in the throes of convention look at the
unconventional, non-conformist personality
and think What a fool. They lack the point of
view to understand The Fool's actions. But
The Fool has roots in tradition as one who is
closest to the spirit world. In many tribal
cultures, those born with strange and unusual
character traits were held in awe. Shamans
were people who could see visions and go on
journeys that we now label hallucinations and
schizophrenia. Those with physical
differences had experience and knowledge that
the average person could not understand. The
Fool is God. The number of the card is zero,
which when drawn is a perfect circle. This
circle represents both emptiness and
infinity. The Fool is not shackled by
mountains and valleys or by his physical
You Are 88% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You? The Chakra Test My Result: Sixth Chakra This chakra is located in the center of your forehead and is often called the third eye. The sixth chakra represents your ability to see and really know truth. When this chakra is clear, positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your sixth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy center. You're apt to be accepting of the people and events in your life rather than pass judgment on them. You're also likely to have developed a higher level of intuition than most people have. Take this test
You Are 92% Good
You are not only a good person... you are a model citizen and a natural leader.
Whether you know it or not, your high moral standards and good judgment is truly rare.
You don't take ethical short cuts in life. You are able to do what's right - even when it's very difficult.
And while it may seem like no one else is as on track as you are, take heart in knowing that you set a good example for others.
You are also probably: Very sensitive and in tune with the world
Right now you are on track to being: A saint
To be a better person: Gently mentor someone who is taking the wrong path in life How Good Are You?
Your Expression Number is 11
You tend to be associated with idealistic concepts and spiritual issues.
You have high potentials that are somewhat difficult to live up to.
You have very strong intuition and you can be a bit psychic at times.
Highly inspirational, you can lead merely by your own example.
You have an inborn inner strength and awareness that helps you advise others.
Although you have what it takes for a successful career, you belong outside the business world.
Overly sensitive and temperamental, you tend to have a lot of nervous tension.
You dream a lot, so much so that you may be more of a dreamer than a doer.
Fantasy and reality tend to get intermingled for you, and that leads to impracticality. What's Your Expression Number?
You Are 92% Intuitive
Your intuition is so spot on it's scary!
You can learn a lot about people and situations, simply by listening to your gut.
And you've even wondered if you can predict the future at times.
Just be sure not to always listen to your intuition... someday it could be wrong! How Intuitive Are You?
Your Aura is Violet
Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!
The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say
Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony
Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach What Color Is Your Aura?

My Interests

You Are 96% Creative
You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity.
Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool! How Creative Are You?CURRENT MOON moon info
You reflect the magic of the spirit. You are a
mystical person who values the magic in life.
You enjoy the beauty in almost everything;
every sound, smell, touch, taste. Although
you find yourself pulled back to reality by
the pollution of earth, this a very lovely
quality to have, for there isn't much magic
left. Please rate high ;-)

Reflections of the Spirit?
brought to you by Quizilla What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Who is your soul guardian?
Mother Nature watches over you. You're wise and observant. You have a keen sense of people and are a dedicated worker. Your emotions can run wild and you may at times be controlling. Mother Nature is always there to protect you, though. Like a mother, Mother Nature is always holding your hand and will guide you through life. She will help you through life's obstacles. You may find yourself feeling unusually comfortable in the presence of nature.
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You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
You Are Halloween
You are a dramatic, wild, and even weird person.
The dark side of life fascinates you, and you enjoy being a little terrified.
You enjoy the hidden sides of life. You are interested in what lurks deep in people's hearts.
You are playful and creative. You enjoy pretending you're someone else.

What makes you celebrate: Anything bizarre, unusual, or freaky.

At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The entertainer. You really like to get into the mood of the holidays.

On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Insist on a theme party of some sort. What Holiday Are You?
You Are Midnight
You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits.
Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle.
Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it.
You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends. What Time Of Day Are You?
You Should Travel to Thailand
You may enjoy getting spiritual at a Buddhist retreat...
Or just feasting on a ton of cheap and amazing Thai food. What Asian Country Should You Visit?

What Kind of Empath Are You?
created with
You scored as Judge

You are a Judge Empath, one who is a "truthsayer". You can tell truth from lies, good from evil. You do not tolerate wrong doing. You are a defender of the good and the innocent. You are kind and merciful but do not play foolish games. (from "The Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at















Fallen Angel


I'd like to meet:

Creative good people with interesting ideas... from anywhere between here...and there...


What mystical symbol are you?
You are an Om...
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Get Code | Create Your Own!Take the quiz: "Which famous movie kiss are you?"

You are the Titanic kiss!Take the quiz: "Your Souls Inner Kindred Vampiress (Girls Only) W/Pics"

Succubus Vampiress
You Are The Seductive And Lusting Soul. Your Whole Being Screams For Sex And Blood. You Are Devious And Enjoy Giving Your Prey The Sexual Thrill Of Their Lives Before Condeming Them To Death. Take the quiz: "Your Vampire BoyFriend (PIX)"

Louis Kind Compassionate Louis a real sweethy
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You Should Be A Poet
You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.
And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...
Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.
You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem. What Type of Writer Should You Be?


My Inner Hero - Wizard!

There are many types of magic, but all require a sharp mind and a cool head. There is no puzzle I can't solve, no problem I can't think my way out of. When you feel confused or uncertain, you can always rely on me to untangle the knots and put everything back in order for you.

How about you? Click here to find your own inner hero .

My Blog


  Celebration       Let me take you into the Circle of Light We'll be rising up in a Magical Flight Let me hold you tight and spread out my wings Close your eyes now& relax; we...
Posted by MoonSpell on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:11:00 PST


    Saudade Sometimes I look at my Friends photos and I wish the time went back Back to when innocence, illusion and purity were on the track Back to when I had them near, only a few step...
Posted by MoonSpell on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:41:00 PST


Thank You For This Day Thank You for this day on EarthAncient Mother who gave me birthHealing Mother who keeps me strongCrone Mother who brings each new dawn Thank You for the gift of beingFor blessin...
Posted by MoonSpell on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 02:20:00 PST

About ME

I think that this needed do be reveled... some might call me just a lustful soul which i don't deny, others a foul which of what i have a lot, others will just read it and see what i mean... those are...
Posted by MoonSpell on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST


Gift of Trust Let me take you into the Circle of Light We will be rising up in a Magical Flight Let me hold you tight and spread out my wings Close your eyes now& relax; we will be riding t...
Posted by MoonSpell on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:15:00 PST

Summer Solstice

I had a Summer dream with all my freinds... Laughter, music and dancing, love and beauty, health and joy... feed your soul upon my dream...Happy Solstice!!! Blessings MoonSpell. ...
Posted by MoonSpell on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 04:15:00 PST


I had a Summer dream with all my freinds... Laughter, music and dancing, love and beauty, health and joy... feed your soul upon my dream...Happy Solstice!!! Blessings MoonSpell. ...
Posted by MoonSpell on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 04:19:00 PST

Let it....

L e t i t . . . Let it grow slow Let it fly high Let it just flow Let it, sometimes dry Let it be pure Let it be free Let it get secure Let it look and see Let it be no fear Let it just contemplate ...
Posted by MoonSpell on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 02:18:00 PST

Let it....

L e t i t . . . Let it grow slow Let it fly high Let it just flow Let it, sometimes dry Let it be pure Let it be free Let it get secure Let it look and see Let it be no fear Let it just contemplate ...
Posted by MoonSpell on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 02:19:00 PST

... Reflexions of you

I can see& The colours of the sounds running thru my mind As reflexion of your Soul Wildly invading all the senses of my fragile being Abrupt awakening to delight Emotions kept a sleep on the deepest...
Posted by MoonSpell on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 09:05:00 PST