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I am here for Friends

About Me

Born in Long beach Califorina, I moved to Florida in 1989, and then moved to Northern California 1995... then Back to Florida in 1999 (I don't know where I want to live).
Former Lead Singer in the Band Astaroth. experienced in Kung Fu Forms Tam Tui, Northern Praying Mantis, Tai Chi Chuan, 5 Animial Kung Fu. A solitary practitioner of Druidism / Celtic Shamanism, I was raised Catholic as a child by my Irish mother. I am more at peace with the old Celtic Religion, though at times I find myself torn between the two. I am not comfortable with the Christian beliefs, (they are so one sided) and I'm angered by the way the Irish Religion was practically wiped clean from the face of the earth by the Catholics and then replaced by their Saints in the name of Conversion. (Sorry if I offended anyone.) Regardless Of My Prior Comment I Do Have Great Respect For All Religions This Includes catholicism as I said earlier I'm Torn in My Beliefs.
I have always been attracted to things that others deem dark & foreboding- I find beauty in such things. Such as walking thru a cemetery- I am captivated by the souls laid to rest there, the lives they led speaks volumes to me and is peaceful.
I am very much in touch with my surroundings anything that may be harmful or alarming I am aware of immediately. I've been aware of my own mortality at a very young age and to this day I still do not know what triggered this awareness in a child of age 5. As I recall, nothing happened such as a family members passing to make me aware of such.
I believe I'm here on this earth to help others deal with there emotions. Since I can remember, everyone I have met seems to be hurt emotionally or physically in one way or another. Once I've met them and learned this, talk with them after a time their pain subsides I see the persons life improve, and then no fault of my own we lose touch. I do not understand this- though I always try to stay in touch, I lose contact with that person no mater how hard I try not to. My path then crosses another person who is hurt emotionally or physically. I am not saying I'm a healer - Please no. (Christian evangelistic images come to mind!)
Psychologists for the soul maybe? Guardian for the hurt spiritually? your guess is as good as mine (any thoughts please let me know). This is just something I've tried to rationalize. I find this to much of a coincidence to be anything other then it was meant to be this way for me.
Just to let you know, I do have a very humorous side as well and enjoy making people laugh. And I have a beautiful wife Joann that makes me happy to wake up by her side.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sophie Marceau, Ashley Judd, Gina Gershon, Anna Falchi

Fields Of The Nephilim - Sumerland) "
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Celtic Horoscope - You Are A Fig Tree
You Are A Fig Tree

You are very independent and strong minded. A hard worker when you want to be, you play hard too. You are honest and loyal. You hate contradiction or arguments. You love life, and you live for your friends, children, and animals. A great sense of humor, artistic talent, and intelligence are all gifts you possess. What is Your Celtic Horoscope?

You are Jack the Ripper. Yours were some of the
most brutal murders recorded in history--yet
your case is still to this day unsolved. You
came from out of the fog, killed violently and
quickly and disappeared without a trace. Then
for no apparent reason, you satisfy your blood
lust with ever-increasing ferocity, culminating
in the near destruction of your final victim,
and then you vanish from the scene forever. The
perfect ingredients for the perennial thriller. You are quite the mysteriously demented?

Which Imfamous criminal are you?

Which Anne Rice Vampire Are You?

You Are The Angel Faced Demon. Andrei,
Amadeo...Armand. Congrats.

Which Anne Rice Vampire Are You?

"What Aura Colour Are You?"

Having a black aura is very rare. Usually black auras are around a person who has passed. You may have an emotional illness, or you may just have a black aura. Dont worry if you have a black aura or if you see one around a person, for black auras do not mean death. However, if you do see a black aura around a living person, I advise you be careful.

In a Past Life...
.. ..You Were: A Druid Priest.

..Where You Lived: Ireland.

..How You Died: in Battle.

Who Were You In a Past Life?

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