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D.C. Cab


About Me

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Hello & thank you for stopping by the number one D.C. Cab fansite on the internet....If I really need to explain what the movie's about, maybe you should come back later.....For you true fans, take a shot at the trivia posted in the blog. Feel free to send us a message with any thoughts you may have about the movie, ways to improve this site or even future trivia questions.

My Interests



Irene Cara


My Blog

D.C. Cab Trivia #3

1. Albert arrives in Washington D.C. looking to break into the business, where did he hitchhike from? 2. What is the name of the chinese restauarant Mr. Bravo breaks the front window at? 3. What is th...
Posted by D.C. Cab on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 07:41:00 PST

D.C. Cab Trivia, Part 2

1. How much did Tyrone charge Mr. & Mrs. Tomatsu for a trip to the airport, why did he charge so much, and how much should it have cost? 2. What kind of car does Tyrone want to buy with the reward...
Posted by D.C. Cab on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 06:43:00 PST

Cast & Credits...

..> Actors Max Gail Harold Oswell Adam Baldwin Albert Hockenberry Mr T Samson Charlie Barnett Tyrone Gary Busey Dell DeWayne Jessie Bongo Lennie Gloria Gifford Miss Floyd Marsha Warfield Oph...
Posted by D.C. Cab on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 05:43:00 PST

D.C. Cab Trivia...

So you think your a fan? How many questions can you answer????? 1. In which cab did Mr. Rhythm find the violin? 2. When asked by Albert "What's outside for you Tyrone?" what is his response? 3. What a...
Posted by D.C. Cab on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:02:00 PST