Mink Staccato, shoe-shine boy to the stars! I give pinball lessons for $10 a pop. I've been quoted in the Wall Street Journal. I make lasagna that your mother would kill another person's mother for. Mink Staccato, reverend to the downtrodden and Godless masses! I've grabbed the microphone and made people cry. I've hung upside down beneath a train and screamed. I've paid my rent, baby.
My Interests
a fortunate man
with proud experienced scars
quickly becomes rusted and cracked as
some illusions are lovely to destroy
with callous air and crushing gravity
I'd like to meet:
"All my good friends are bad influences..."
My Blog
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http://minkstaccato.livejournal.com/natch Posted by Mink on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 08:33:00 PST