At the moment the band is just me (josh) and Jacob. Our band name is Pierced Hands, but at the moment we are temporarily calling our selfs Olivander. We’re looking for other musicians that have great talent and have the same goal as we do. And that is to reach out to a large crowd with our music and help them find Jesus Christ through our lyrics. We have planned for a while to eventually create a five piece band but for now we need a bass player and singer with some deep lyric ideas. We Love God, Music And Life With A Passion. We Play Our Music So We Can Show People That Talent Can Be Found In Any Person, Even A Bunch Of Kids Playing Loud Rock Music.
~Josh and Jake
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Do you sing? Can you hear your voice with these songs? Would it be possible for you to commit and attend practice every sunday in Lake Oswego? do you have the same goal as us? are you interested in being a singer in OUR band? If so PLEASE contact us right here on myspace or call us at 503-997-8482 to audition. Thanx! -Josh and Jake