Grace profile picture


About Me

After 6 years, I got my Master's Degree in Education from UF. Then, I got married in 2003. My husband and I were blessed with a beautiful baby boy in 2006. He quickly became the new love of my life. We're in the middle of building a house in Ocala. I love Gator sports, being with my family, watching my son grow up way too fast, and trips to the Smokies. I am a very lucky person :) .

I edited my profile with Thomas€™ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

vacationing in the Smoky Mountains, waterfalls, scenic road trips, the Florida Gators, camping, traveling, being Mommy to a 3 month old....


You've Got Mail, Great Outdoors, Hitch, Sweet Home Alabama, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers


Tuesdays With Morrie, Little Women, Love Story


my mom, dad, brothers, and sister