Sears, JC penny, old lady football, and geriatrics!RARRRRRRRR!
Fellow Rynos and old lady tacklers, mostly geriatric doctors. also, one of my many favorites, is Brian Gumbel and Malcom x, becauser i believe that there revolutionary ideas really make rynos feel good! and i want an animal that can sing and dance songs in santa outfits! haha really!!!!
Here Kitty Kitty
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Zimbabwayan hip hop! and akon, hes a total HOTTIE!! o baby o baby
i belive that broke back mountain is rarrrrrrrrIFIC! film
My Boys, the discovery channel, and the animal planet! RARRRR!
What RRRRRRR Books? o, and the sister traveling pants hood of the
Brian Gumbel, and malcom x, but most of all, the students that i sub for theyn are the gRRRRRREATEST! and dr phil!, hes my Ho!