*cHattiNg*txTiNG*lisTeniNg radi0*sighT seeiNG*driViNG*MaLLiNG*mag ouT of tHe t0wn*fishiNg*b0wliNG*basketBaLL*voLLeybaLL*TenniS*teLebaBad*
SwiMmiNG*puNta kng San San HaNggAng Me Gas Ung CaR!!haHaHaHA!!!:))
i WnT:* KinD*cUtE*CariNG*GentLeMaN*thougHtfuLL*WaT elSe?!!! BasTaH Ung piPoL NaH TaTagaL sa *KatigaSan ng uLo ko At MaKuliTan k0h* hAhAhAha:))i HaTe:* *liER*useR*bitcH*m0odY*maYaBanG*!!! *BasTah LhT Ng paNgeT sa iSang ta0!!! aykoH!! okeigH!!!!Sa fRiEnDs!!!! aNy0nE nMn peDeh Eh!!! d nMn ak0h NaMiMiLi Ng MggNg Fren k0H!!!! BaztAH Gs2 k0 LaNG...FriEnDLY ay aykNg namimiLi pA NG frEn!!! ayk0 Ng LiEr...bAckfigHtER!!!! BaztAh MadaLi LNg ak0Ng mgiNg FreN!!! okEiHg!!! bAsTa sa wiLLing jAn....Add ny0h nlnG ak0h!!! keiZz!!
this luv,she will be luv,incomplete,stigmatized,SunshiNe,My place,buRn,drive my self craZzy!!moonlighT ovER paRis,BluE kiSs,HappY,My b0o,its my life,sunshine,you,where is the love,unwell,breakaway,a moment like this,i'd rather,beautifull,adicted 2 yu,this love,she will be love,fallin,your b0dys wonderland,bigger than my b0dy,h0t in here,through the rain,take my breath away,invisible,simpleng ta0,(hehehehe)complicated,im with you,sk8terb0i,hey yah,anything but ordinary,happy,d0nt dream its over,breath,istigmatized,superman,baby girl,baby b0y,ignit0n,if your n0t the 0ne,i'll be,1985,why n0t,s0 yesterday!!!
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