CandyGodiva profile picture


Supersized Webvixen

About Me

Again, let me point out...
I am not looking for love on the internet...
I am with the man I'll die loving.

Without him, and his influence on my life, I wouldn't even be here. He is my lover, my partner, and my best friend. He is the only man in this world, in whom I can truely place my trust, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can depend on.
His name is written across my heart, and I am his completely.
Love by ruby mae
Your name
Your partner
You two are Soulmates
Your meeting was by Fate
They are your Shoulder to cry on
You are their Shining star
Your love will Be your strength
Quiz created with MemeGen !
I love being in love. I'm a total romantic. Tommy is a wonderful man, and a wonderful photographer who loves to photograph bbws and can truely appreciate the privaledge of being able to give them the gift he gave me. It's his mission in life to enlighten as many sexy bbws as he possibly can, that sexy is a state of mind, and you don't have to be a carbon copy cut-out of what society tells you the perfect woman should look like. His vision changed me, made me over. He is my savior, my teacher, and my muse. Can you tell I worship my man? Plus, he fucks like a GOD! Why shouldn't I worship him? HA!
The best thing about it is, he worships me to...all of me, every inch of me. He loves me for who I am, scars and all.
Now back to me... What about me? Well first and foremost, I'm what's known as an SSBBW or Supersized Big Beautiful Woman. Though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'm pretty sure I qualify. I could also be described as a BBW or Big Beautiful Woman. I'm just a bit on the larger side of that.
I've always been a fat girl. I went on my first diet when I was about 3. I yoyo dieted my way up to a wopping 240lbs by the time I graduated high shcool. Then I fucked up and got married at 18..ladies and gents..don't try this at home! I knew this guy all of 2 weeks, and what I knew about him was he'd just gotten out of prison about a month before I met him...omfg! Real brainiac ain't I?
Anyway...long story short...bad marriage for about 10 years, a new 100lbs of me, seperation...and then I met my first True FA. What is an FA? An FA, is also known as a fat admirer, or someone who likes fat people. They can be male or female, though female fat admirers are known as FFA's, for obvious reasons.
He is a photographer, and enjoys photographing bbws for adult internet websites.
He helped me to start my own site, and showed me the way so to speak. Here is a link.
I work very hard at it to make a living. It's been interesting, and challenging, but I enjoy my work very much.
I also enjoy representing a contradiction to the lie that popular media keeps trying to sell all the young girls and guys out there, that you have to be attractive, and fit, to make it in the entertainment industry. HA!!!
I'm not a supermodel...understatement of the year...but I am a webmodel, and thankfully the internet is such a versitile place, that even at my size, I've found a market. I love my fans. Alot of them have become friends over the years. I try to keep in touch the best I can, but sometimes I'm not all there...
Oh, and I try my best to respond to mail, but sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed. I actually have a pretty large fan base, not by some standards, but for little ole me ya know! So if you write, and don't get a note back, try again. You can write me at: [email protected] As long as you're respectful and have something intelligent to say, you shouldn't worry about it. I'll get back with you as soon as I can get my head screwed on right.
I love people, all kinds of people...and I like them to like me. I don't have a hatin' bone in my big ole body. I love with an open heart, and an open mind. I don't judge, and I don't condemn. I'm one of those genuinely nice people or so I've been told.
Yeah, I get naked on the internet, but I'm basicly a good girl. I don't fuck around. I don't lie, and I don't get off on chat.
This Southern Belle may have a nasty streak in the bedroom, but she's a LADY on the street!
I've spent a lot of time soul searching on what our purpose here on this spinning rock is, and I've come to believe, that we're meant to just live the best way we can, love all we can, and learn from our mistakes.
Life is never easy. None of it is easy, and we weren't all blessed with a handbook on social ettiquette and tolerance. But if we treat people the way we want to be treated..and remember those good ole sayings...if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all, or you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar, we might all be able to enjoy ourselves a little bit more here.
Well, that's about enough...moving on. If you want to get to know me better you can browse my blog here on myspace.
Many CandyKisses
I will put links I find interesting in this area. The links will be random, and interesting to me. They will range from things like music, movies, sexuality, religion, and politiacl beliefs and ideas that strike my fancy on any particular day.
This first link is to a MySpace Profile that caught my eye, and it was a gateway to other profiles that gave information on politics and conspiracy theory. Which is something I do have an interest in. I won't speculate, but let the matter speak for itself.
Read the blog!!!!

Here is another profile with some interesting information on it.
This is a new blog that I've recently subscribed to. Very enlightening stuff, check it out if you will.

My Interests

Me ... The Savage Queen

Did I mention I love food.

Some more poetry in honor of my fatabulous self!

Yet another poem... I love poets, writers, artists, and all sorts of creative types!

For those of you who want to mail me for pix, chat, or whatever...
I'm a very busy woman and in my line of work, time is money. Unfortunately, I don't make nearly enough money to waste great slots of time on anything other than working online. So if you want my full attention, the best advice I can offer you is to pay me for my time, either in contributions, or gifts. I tend to shower my darling benefactors with as much love and attention as I deem fit, according to what they've provided for me.
For starters, if you would like to spend some chat, and possibly cam time with me, you can gift me, Candy Godiva, a certificate for some sexy clothes and lingerie, from HourGlass Fashions , to email address: [email protected] and then we'll talk.

Or you can go all out and pay my rent this month. Just click the link below, and give to your hearts content.
$500 for Candy

Food! I love food!
If I'm not eating it, cooking it, or obsessing about it, I'm watching it on tv!
I love ssbbws/bbws/bhm/fas! And anyone else interested in what it means to be a bbw!

Want to visit a seriously hot and free bbw site? This is by far, the best place on the net to meet your favorite bbw and ssbbw models, webmasters, and other fans of big beautiful women. There are loads of free pics, video clips, galleries, and tons of fun! Come check it out, and have a blast at the coolest forum around!

And here is another size positive site that is good for all ages.
Be sure to check out the Boards, and join in the discussion!

One of my favorite things in the whole world!!!
The WWE!
Here are my favorite wrestlers!

Wrestling Makes Me WET!!!

Mind Freak - Chris Angel

Here are the rest of the things I am interested in, and then!
I love naked people, photography, faeries, porn, exhibitionism, voyuerism, independant films, movies, music, dark comedy,, bdsm, swinging, horror, books, occult, magick, alchemy, dragons, vampires, weirdos, brains, werewolves, swords, candles, herbs.


This is something I felt like sharing in public. It's in my blog, but I knew it would better service the world if displayed openly on my page.


Taken from the Spiritual Webpage Cambridge.

1. This, too, shall pass.

Nothing stays the same. The only constant in life is change. With every decision we make, we initiate change. Even when we decide not to decide, life still goes on, and changes still occur. When we are in a state of discomfort, sadness, grief, or pain, we know that because life goes .. will bring us some kind of relief. And because even comfort, happiness, and all good things also pass, we know that we need to appreciate and cherish each precious, fleeting moment.

2. Time heals.

The timepiece of life never stops. Neither does it pause for those who celebrate, speed up for those who are impatient, nor slow down for those who fear tomorrow. Time ticks a regular rhythm that steadily brings new moments, new days, and new seasons. As time pushes forward, we take new steps, face new challenges, and create new opportunities. And as life goes on, we are forced to move past our episodes of disappointment, sorrow, or despair. More than anything else, time heals not just broken bones but broken hearts as well.

3. Ask, and you shall receive.

People won't know what you want unless you ask for it. Dreams and goals are just wishes until you act on them, and acting on them often requires that you ask for answers, for assistance, or for something tangible. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help, but when you come forward, only then will the world know what to give you. Just ask and know that miracles can happen.

4. You can have anything, but not everything.

Life offers us infinite possibilities. With hard work, determination, and perseverance, we can achieve anything. If we re willing to pay the price and go the extra mile, we can have whatever our hearts desire. But no matter how hard we try, we can't have everything. Life is a balancing act of wins, losses, and trade-offs we gain some and we lose some.

5. What goes around comes around.

It's the universal law of nature: do to others what you want others to do to you, because whatever you sow, you reap; whatever you give, you get back ten-fold. It doesn't hurt to smile, or be kind, or extend a helping hand. You never know when or how, but every act of goodness always returns to the GIVER Give one today and receive ten tomorrow.

I'd like to meet:

Intelligent, confident, interesting, and artistic people who have an open mind, and an open heart, and understand what the point of all this is. I'd like to meet other adult entertainment industry people, and other BBWs who love being in sexy photographs. Louisiana or Gulf South BBWs especially, that are looking for a photographer. I'd like to meet my admirers and fans to. Just please remember to be respectful when contacting me.
I'd also be interested in talking to other photographers, artists, producers, and talent agents who may be interested in a woman of size for a project, who's not afraid to be nude, or perform racy acts on camera. I always work with my partner Thomas, and anywhere I'm to appear, he will appear with me. We're willing to travel if expenses are paid.
I have made an appearance in one UK Television production by Class Films for the Bravo network, called Sin Cities. It was season 3 in New Orleans. I did what's called a squashing, or crushing on that sexy host Ashley Hames. I look forward to working with more production crews in the future. I always have fun on camera.

Many thanks and much love to Bruce for the artwork!


Marilyn Manson, NIN, Jack Off Jill, L7, Garbage, Tool, System of a Down, Audioslave, Gary Numan, Depeche Mode, Johnny Cash, George Jones, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Eric Claptin, Janis Jopplin, Jimi Hendrix, Hank Williams Sr., Nina Simone, Frank Sinatra, The Cramps, Portishead
Chubby Back by Cabana Boy/Justin Timberlake -Sexy Back Parody


First Erotic Film

1st erotic film was like that

My Blog

Hey Ya'll

Just wanted to stop in and say hello to to all my loverlies. Not too much to report aside from computer blues, and boredom. Oh, and me and Tommy quit smoking finally. It's not one of those weak attemp...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:09:00 PST

Distant and Forgetful

I just wanted to stop by and show some love to all my friends and netfamily. I know I've been distant lately, and I've forgotten to check in as often as I should, but life is funny, and time slips by ...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:17:00 PST

Blizzard owns my ass........ ZOMGPWNED!!!!!111

Yes...I'm Blizzards bitch now... That incredible and contravisially addictive, World of Warcraft, owns my soul. I can't get enough of it..and I barely exhist outside of it. Between Tommy and me, we ha...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 03:36:00 PST

Awesome Videos!!! - Wow Style

I'm a Horde character through and through, but these Alliance videos are just too cool not to share!!! ...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 05:44:00 PST

Moving Day!!!

Just to let ya'll know, I won't be around for a couple of days. I'm moving out of my old place...on New Years Eve no less and into a new place about an hour away!Yep, me and Tommy will be ringing in 2...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 03:35:00 PST

The Power Of Thoughts

Thanks to Illuminati for this wonderful find!It's just what I needed today and couldn't resist sharing!Today I wasted no time on worry. I got up, went out, and found a new place to live come the first...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 02:18:00 PST

New Addiction - WoW

World of WarcraftStarted out sharing a character with Tommy in the Tanaris Realm playing a female Orc Warlock named Amezura on his pc. It was awesome. I spent long hours watching, and getting to play ...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 03:13:00 PST

Ding Ding Ding ... Let's Get It ON!!!

Google Fight!!!Fat Girls VS Sinny GirlsI found this just too cool not to share with my peeps! lolFat Girls win, hands down!!!Love and CandyKisses all!!!XOXOXOX...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:26:00 PST

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!May your day be filled with joy and feasting!Today will be a solemn Holiday for me. I'd done my actual feasting earlier in the week, China House Super Buffet. *giggles*Nope...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 02:41:00 PST

Color Quiz for Today

Me and Tommy are waiting on Uncle Rob and his busty beauty to show up. We're going for sushi today. YUM!!! I'm so hungry!!!CandyGodiva took the free personality test!"Wants interesting a...
Posted by CandyGodiva on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 02:18:00 PST