xXx Lil Miss J xXx profile picture

xXx Lil Miss J xXx

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About Me

Hola everybody, im Jaime!!! For those of u who dint alredy kno,i recently moved to Spain!! It's wicked, im avin tha tym of my life!! I wana say a big ELO to all my dudez i left bk in Pompey-I miss u all!!! U needa get ur arses out ere on holidays tho!!LOL!! Im luvin this Myspace fing!!! Oh yer before i go i beta ad say a bit about myself!!! Well...erm...i lyk food, drink (especially corona or Coronita as it is out ere!LOL!!), partyin, sunbathin, men & sleepin!! Newayz i gota go, if ya wana kno more just ask!! Take care Dudez n dudettez!!! Mucho Love xxx

Myspace Layouts at / *Pink Martinis*

Survey of my Life by davya
So Basically..
Name:: Jaime Samantha Chamberlain
Nicknames:: Jem/ J /Jazmine/Jaime Lea/Jammy/Shilpa - fink thts it!!LOL!!
Age:: 22 yrs young
Birth Date:: 23rd May
Hair Color:: Currently dark brown!!
Eye Color:: Dark brown
Height:: 5ft 7ish!!
Piercings:: Ears
Tatoos:: Nooo...Im allergic 2 pain!!
Heritage:: Erm......Sorry Wot??!!
Food:: Pizza...preferably Pepperoni!!LOL!!
Drink:: Cherry 7up
Time of Day:: Bed Tym ;-)
Season:: Summa defo!!
Day of the Week:: Friday i rekon!!
Color:: Blue!!
Place in U.S:: Florida, its tha only place ive bin 2!!LOL!!
Place outside U.S:: Erm...probly Jamaica
Magazine:: Don't really read em!!
Pet:: Was my chinchilla Pebbles but she fried bless her!!
Friend:: Mr Mason himself & My long tym buddy Chez!!!
Feeling: Orgasmic!!!LOL!!! Gota b evry1's surely!!!
Do You..
Shower Daily:: Nah i shower 3weekly...Wot a stupid question!!!LOL!!
Brush your Teeth Daily:: Twice most days!!hehe!!
Sing:: All tha tym in tha shower i do!!
Dance:: I do bust a groove or 2 evry now n then!!LOL!!
Drink:: Way 2 much out ere!!
Smoke:: Nope!!!
Read Books:: If i cud read i wud but NO!!
Read Magazines:: Nah i jus look at tha pictures!!
Have a Religion:: Yep im a athiest!!LOL!!
Have a Bf/Gf:: I certainly do now...Mr Paul Kemp himself!!!
Play an Instrument:: Nope but i played tha violin once...does that count??
In the Opposite Sex..
Hair Color:: Dark
Eye Color:: Dnt mind really
Height:: Dnt mind jus as long as he's taller than me but dnt tower ova me!!LOL!!
Tatoos:: As long as he aint covered in em i dnt mind
Piercings:: Not on a bloke!!
Body Type:: Lyk Becks will do fine!!LOL!!
Hobbies:: Erm....
Do You Believe In..
Ghosts:: I duno!!
Aliens:: Nah!!
God:: Nope!!
Devil:: Noooo!!
Heaven:: I guess!!
Hell:: Erm...not 2 sure!!
Afterlife:: Yer i beleve we all cum bk as animals!!LOL!!
Have You Ever..
Been Arrested:: Nope!!
Cheated:: Indeed i have but it aint sumfin im proud of!!
Been Cheated on:: If i av i dnt kno about it!!LOL!!
Had your Heart Broken:: Not so far!!
Broken someone elses Heart:: Yer but it was 4 tha best!!
Stripped:: Only in tha bedroom!!
Kissed more than two people in one night:: Erm...yer...Dannii's 19th bday was a record breaker!!LOL!!
Kissed someone of the same sex:: yer!!LOL!!
Lied:: Yer i av told tha old white lie!!
Gotten into a fight:: Only 2 pretect my sista-Gota stick 2geva!! & thts wot older sista's r spose 2do!!!
Passed out:: Not yet!!LOL!!
Stolen anything:: Yer for Dannii's benefit!!LOL!!
Done something you regret:: Nah i dont do fings i'll regret!!
Been on T.V:: Yep, wen i went 2 watch england!!LOL!!
Been in Love:: Yer & wot a great feelin it is!!
Last Person You..
Talked to on the phone:: I cnt rememba-i wrk ina call centre so im always on the phone!!LOL!!
Text Messaged: My man Paul!!
Instant Messaged: WooZal!!hehe!!
Hugged:: Paul, just b4 he left :(
Kissed:: Paul & wot a great kiss it was!!LOL!!
Yelled at:: Dannii-Woo on r last nite out in Pompey!!LOL!!
Missed:: My Mum,Sister,Paul & Chez!!!
Were told loved you?: Paul - Love him too!!
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Ok, so me n Dannii av bin in Spain about 3 months now but we av had more mis-haps within tha last 3 months than we had had within tha last 18 months!!! Some r sooo funny that we just av to share them wiv ya!! U probly wnt even find them funny coz u had to be there but we r still gona tell u bout them!!LOL!!..............................*** So, picture this, Me n Dan r walkin thro the quiet streets of r lil town, wen Dan starts kickin this lil plastic bowling skittle she found in the road. So we get it all tha way to tha town square wen i decide im gona kick as far as i can!! So i get tha skittle in2 position, do my run up & as i kick it my trainer only cums flyin off!! If that wern't bad enuf, we av to watch it cum flyin down & hit sum1's car but it just so happened to b tha only car in tha square that had tha driver sat in it!!! And it wasn't as if we cud jus run off coz i had to go pick up my bloody trainer! So as i crouch down & run to go get it in tha hope he wudn't c me, he gets out of his car to c wot damage had been done (none luckily) but even so, by tha look on his face i'd av sed he wasn't too pleased!!LOL!! SO i jus sed sorry to him, which i dint fink he undastood, grabbed my trainer then ran!! Meanwhile, Dan is pissin herself behind me!! Not good!! But we still crack up about it now!!LOL!! ***......NEXT......*** Tha otha day me n Dan were walkin to wrk when i happened to mention i had an itch on my lulu!!!LOL!! And at tha exact tym i sed it Dan had 1 to but she thought she'd take it 1 step further & actually scratch it!! So as we r walkin dwn tha road Dan's itchin her fing i happened to spot this old lady sat on a bench watching Dan's every move!!LMAO!! Well, i was cryin wern't i!! It was well funny but I dont fink Dan will be itchin in public from now on!!!LOL!! ***......NEXT......*** Me & Dan went shoopin in Gib 1 day, wen we were gettin a bit peckish!! So we decided to sit down at a bar in tha town square & av a beer & a pudding!! So Dan orders a chocolate cake & i get an apple crumble. We were really lukin 4ward 2 it coz we were really quite hungrey & they looked absolutly delish!! So as we sit on their patio sunnin ourselves, we watch the waiter bring them out to us & r mouths start watering. So in r excitment we quickly dig in. However, at tha moment we put the 1st mouthful in we cuda spat it back out agen!! They were bloody mingin!! So anyway, we sit there drinkin the rest of r beers & decide that we dnt think we shud av to pay for such awfulness, well u can imagin wot happened next...Yep there we were leggin it thro tha backstreet of Gib hopin no1 had seen us jus get up & leave without payin & more to tha point hopin tha police weren't afta us!!LOL!! We do no it was very bad of us & we havn't dun it agen but it was hysterical!! Suprisingly we havn't gone bk to that bar since!!!LOL!! ***......NEXT......*** Dan & i were avin a nice stroll bk to r flat 1 aftanoon when we c this lil old lady bless her crossin tha road. As she steps on 2 tha pavement she manages to step rite into a big dollop of cat shite!!LOL!! Well wiv tha sense of humour me n Dan av got we found it very funny but wot was even funnier was watchin her try & get it off!! There she was scrapin her shoe all ova the corner on the pavement, it was lyk she was doin bloody flamenco dancin or sumfin!! Neways me n Dan cudn't take nemore, we had to quickly walk off, it was a site to see!!LOL!! ***......NEXT......*** Me & Dan were in Dorethy Perkins doin a bit of shoppin wen Dan picks up about 8 items of clothing she wants to try on. So im sat in tha changin room waiting for her to try these clothes on wen she steps out & asks me to zip a dress up for her. So as im zipping it up the bloody fing gets stuck!LOL!! Neways i force it a bit & it eventually zips up. Dan decides she dont lyk it & asks me 2 unzip it 4 her. So i go to unzip it but the fing wud not budge!! We start panicing a bit finkin how tha hell we were gona get this dress off her, wen i decide im gona tug it. It worked til it got about halfway & then just got stuck agen but luckily Dan was able to get herself out of it. So as she trys on tha rest of tha clothes i try to fix this zip. Well as i tug on tha zip tha whole fing came off in my hand!! Well i was pissin myself, not funny i kno but laughter is always my 1st reaction!!LOL!! So as i sit there & realise theres no way of fixin this zip i put tha dress in tha middle of the rest of the clothes Dan had tried on, we give them to the lady & walk out as quick as we can hopin she wudn't find tha dress b4 we gotten outa tha shop!!OOPS!!LOL!! ***......NEXT......*** Dan went out in Gib 1 Friday nyt wiv mates from Lord Nelson. She got far too pissed far too early & ended up staggerin home about 11. I wasn't actually there to witness this next mis-hap but boy did i laugh about it!! We have to walk thro r town square everytym we wana go newhere & in the late evenings there is a sprinkler system that goes on evry nite. So neways, Dannii is staggerin home on her nyt out,(if u can call the whole 2 hours that!!LOL!!) wen she gets to tha square. U can see tha sprinklers spinning around waterin the grass & half the pavement!! And she did see them in her blurred vision, so she waited for it to spin round onto the grass b4 she walked across tha pavement, so she dint get wet. So she carries on walking feeling very chuffed tht she managed to 'trick' the sprinkler wen all off a sudden the sprinkler cums back in tha other direction & covers her head to toe in water!!LMAO!! Now, if u kno Dannii Bird u kno that she talks a lot of shit to herself wen she's hada drink, so u can jus imagin her walkin off, soakin wet & mutterin "fcukin sprinkler, fcukin got me all wet" to herself!! And tht is enuf to make me piss myself!! Dear O Dear Danielle!!LOL!! ***......NEXT......*** Dan & me were takin a nice walk round to her dad's 1 sunny aftanoon! Out here tha roads r so quiet u can jus walk straight over roundabouts n stuff lyk that (well we do neway!) and its perfectly safe...or so we thought!!! (Firstly i jus av 2 let u kno that Dan has this fing of not lookin wen crossin ne road, especially main roads!LOL!) So, we r avin a chat crossin this roundabout wen we step out on2 tha 2nd half of tha road, now i cud hear tha car cumin but dint fink it was a close as it was! So we walk in2 tha road, i turn around & c this car driving 2wards us & in my slight shock i shout "Oh fcuk Dan" & wiv tht she has shot 10ft in tha air but NO, it wasn't tha car that made her do tht it was her own 2 feet shitting it!!LOL!! As she jumped she also ran outa tha road as fast as her 2 feet cud carry her & tha face on it was gud enuf 2 make ne1 crack up!! We then realised that tha driver had seen us & there's no way we wuda been hit but seein Dan's reaction wen i shouted was enuf 2 make me piss myself-almost quite litrally!!LOL!! ***......NEXT......


Me actin tha fool in DuQuesa!!! & yer i 4got my bikini & had 2 wear Dannii..s top wiv her step-dad..s shorts - Very attractive dont ya fink??!!!LMAO!!!

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Random Things About You
Let the randomness begin!
What is your middle name?: Samantha
Do you like your middle name?: Yer i spose! It cud b worse!!!!
What is your favorite kind of sandwich?: Prawn Mayo wiv loadza lettice - Delish!!!
What is your favorite type of weather?: Spanish weava!!LOL!!
Pick one...: Pick 1 wot??
Monkey or Emu?: Wot the hell's an emu???
Gray or Black?: Black
Drive or Fly?: Fly defo!!!
Elevator or Stairs?: Lift actually - im too lazy 4 stairs!!HEHE!!
Half full or Half empty?: Half Full,gota stay on tha positive side of life!!!
No legs or no arms?: I rather av both!!
Falling down stairs or falling up stairs?: Falling up!! 1 reason - doesn't hurt as much!!
Hamilton or Franklin?: Sorry who??!!!
96 or 71?: I'll b pretty pleased if i live to 96!!!
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