... musica, libros, pintura, dibujo, foto... SERIGRAFIA
GuillermoSOLO,duwamish, heteronimia, pearljam,chili pePPers ,marsvolta ,NEILyoung,CHET BAKER, PJHARVEY,Devendra BANHArt,FRUSCIANTE, Bunbury,Xoel,THE dOOrs, Led Zeppelin, Nick CAVE, fOO fiGhters, the cUre,NiN,kYuss,queeNs of Stone ege, deftONES, stone temple Pilots,jeff-Tim bucKleY, erikaH badu, TULSA,at The DRive In,JimmY HENdRIX,soundGarden, Faith NO moRe, Thomas Dibdahl, PinK Floyd, wolFmoTHer, los RAmoNEs, piXies, MoRRiseY-SmiTHS , MoRPHINE, animAl right(MOBy), Aenima(tool),INCubUS, JOy DivisioN, King Crimson, R.A.T.M., Richard Ashcroft, asfalto, SURFIn Bichos...elbich0...
ESPERANTO de GuillermoSOLO creAdo, diRigido, proDucido, ediTado by AMBIDEXTROUS a
GarciA mArquez(te queremos), Herman HESSSE (mucha tela), Jodorwsky, ViRginiA wolF, CortAzar, el MisteriO dlas caTedrales, E. GoRey, Colette,la INsoportaBle levedad DEl ser (m. Kundera)...
KALHO,Frida. VARO,Remedios