Twitch! profile picture


We all go a little mad sometimes...

About Me

I'm Twitch. 101.1FM. 2-6pm.

My Interests

My Job - How could I not like a job working around the music I love with some of the greatest people in the city and meeting new people all the time?
My Family - I have the greatest family ever. My parents have been together 20 something years and have given me the best life I could ask for. They've supported me in everything I've done. My older brother has had my back for my entire life and I've got his. What else could I ask for?
My Friends - Where would I be without the people that know me for more than "that dude on the radio"? My best friend Konrad and I have been hanging out for half our lives and I don't know where I'd be without him being there while I grew up. Maybe a little less psycho.
Horror - I don't know what it is but I sure do love a gory, cheesy horror movie. I love watching horror movies, reading horror books, and working on getting more horror tattoos. I'm not really crazy.. I promise.

I'd like to meet:

I am lucky enough to have a job where I've gotten to meet a lot of the bands I love listening to. Still haven't met Kiss yet, that'd be sweet. I've met the majority of my favorite horror icons. So...I'm doing pretty good right now. Maybe that movie voice over guy. "In a world where both our cars were totally under waterrr" He'd make for one hell of a voice mail message - Myspace


Horror.Suspense.Stephen King.Dean Koontz.John Saul.The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.


My Father.

My Blog

Ill Dance Up a Storm, Sure Lifes Looking Fine.

This is just one of those times where I was laying around and realized I haden't updated this blog in a while. I mean really when it comes down to it I'll have nothing of importance to say. 13 days u...
Posted by Twitch! on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 10:00:00 PST

Case Solved

The case of the windshield wiper bandit has finally come to an end after many months.  To those unfamiliar with this incident, read past blogs. Or in a quick sum-up, my whipers have been put up ...
Posted by Twitch! on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 01:28:00 PST

Hard Luck Kid When Will You Ever Learn?

Still no closer to solving the mystery of the "Windshield Wiper Bandit". Perhaps he/she is enjoying the publicity I'm giving him/her on myspace? More often then not, when I wake up my wipers are up in...
Posted by Twitch! on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:55:00 PST

The Time Has Come To Call Their Bluff

It's been a while since the last blog.Here's a strange story for you. This past week someone has been trying to mess with me.It all started earlier this week when I came outside to go to work and saw ...
Posted by Twitch! on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:46:00 PST

One Final Blog For ’07

I figured I'd throw up one last blog as 2007 comes to an end. It's been quite a crazy year with many changes.. but I can't really do a list of top things of the year because my memory isn't quite as g...
Posted by Twitch! on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:04:00 PST

Everything You Know Is Wrong... Well Almost..

Geez, it's funny how in the span of a week everything can just completely change in a person's life. In a major change in my life I now find myself doing mid-day's on air at work (10am-3pm) and single...
Posted by Twitch! on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 03:21:00 PST

Miles Levin

Miles Levin passed away over the weekend. Now don't get me wrong, Mile's isn't a friend of mine. Or a family member. Or anyone I've actually met in person. Miles was an 18 year old kid fresh out of hi...
Posted by Twitch! on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 03:14:00 PST

National Lampoon's Twitch Vacation

Last week, Debby and I took a road trip down to Florida to spend some time with her family and do other tourist-type things that you know makes people look at you and go "they've GOTTA be from up nort...
Posted by Twitch! on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 03:41:00 PST

Fat-Twitch Diet: End of Week 1

Well today marks the end of week 1 of my quest to lose 20 pounds. Starting Weight : 183 lbs Current Weight : 180 lbs Weight Loss - 3 lbs A pleasent surprise as I stepped on the scale today and realize...
Posted by Twitch! on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:08:00 PST

Fat-Twitch Diet : Day 1

Today is Day 1 of my quest to lose 20 lbs. Debby and I both have the quest to lose 20 lbs. Current weight : 183 lbs Target weight : 163 lbs Went out to the store today and spent $50 in fruit and veg...
Posted by Twitch! on Tue, 29 May 2007 03:17:00 PST