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About Me

Music has always played an essential role in her life. Few years ago, she was fascinated with house music, and that's how her adventure with electronic music has begun. After some time, listening to the music was not sufficient. In her hometown, there were not many club parties, so she decided to make her first steps as their organizer. Meanwhile, her passion's grown into an incredible interest in being DJ. She wanted to share music she loved with others. In 2004 she stood behind the decks for the first time. Initially, she was true to her favourite kind of music and she played only house music. In the meantime, she was spreading spread her interests looking for new inspirations and shaping her music tastes. Going through the enchantment over progressive music, she finally found herself in the breaks style. Presently, her sets are mix of different styles based, mostly, on "broken bits". She plays breakbeat but in her sets - dynamic and full of energy, we can also hear progressive and electro. She promotes club music organizing parties mostly in Koszalin but also in a few different cities in Poland.

Muzyka od zawsze odgrywala wazna role w jej zyciu, jednak za poczatek klubowej przygody Najony uznac mozna pierwsze fascynacje muzyka house. Jak to zwykle z DJ'ami bywa, samo sluchanie muzyki szybko przestalo jej wystarczac, a niespozyta energia i chec do dzialania znalazly ujscie w organizacji wlasnych imprez klubowych. Zainteresowania przerodzone w pasje doprowadzily ja wreszcie w 2004 roku za konsole dj'ska. Pierwsze sety byly kontynuacja fascynacji muzyka housowa, kolejne miesiace przynosily jednak zmiane gustu muzycznego. Przechodzac zauroczenie muzyka progressive, najlepiej odnalazla sie jednak w stylu breaks. Inspiracja "polamanymi bitami" towarzyszy jej do dzis, a w dynamicznych i pelnych energii setach mozna takze uslyszec umiejetnie wplecione electro i tech-house.
Wraz z rosnacym doswiadczeniem i zaangazowaniem, przyszly takze sukcesy. Do najwiekszych zaliczyc nalezy udzial w ogolnopolskim konkursie Nokia DJ Cup 2006, gdzie Najona uplasowala sie na zaszczytnym drugim miejscu. Udzial w tym konkursie umozliwil jej wystep na imprezie Nokia Trends, gdzie stanela obok takich gwiazd jak Tiga, Fisherspooner czy Mylo. Natomiast w czerwcu 2006 roku, jako pierwszy polski DJ dolaczyla do grona artystow najwiekszego na swiecie radia poswieconego muzyce breakbeat -, gdzie jako jedna z niewielu kobiet gra min. z takimi artystami jak 30Hz, Aquasky, Bioteknik, Cereal Killaz, Dirty South czy gwiazdami wytworni London Breakz. We wlasnym show regularnie prezentuje na zywo sety skladajace sie glownie z dzwiekow nuskool breaks. Na codzien zwiazana jest z koszalinskim klubem Plastelina, gdzie poprzez organizacje comiesiecznych imprez zyskuje coraz wieksze grono oddanych wielbicieli swoich wystepow.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/28/2007
Band Members:


Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Just because...

Czeslaw Spiewa... i saw him on tv tonight and that reminds me about his amazing music. So without any reason, Czeslaw Spiewa- Maszynka Do Swierkania: ...
Posted by Najona on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 04:45:00 PST

16.05- I Love Breax! @ Plastelina

Moi koszalinscy bracia i siostry...Ok, wiem ze wszyscy beda zmeczeni po dlugim weekendzie i po tksach, ale mam nadzieje, ze bedziecie jeszcze mieli sily na kolejna impreze. :)16.05- I LOVE BREAX! @ PL...
Posted by Najona on Fri, 09 May 2008 05:32:00 PST

Pictures from I LOVE BREAX! (11.04.08) @ Plastelina

Thanks to M.P. (aka Blady :) ) we finally got pictures from ILB! So here you go:
Posted by Najona on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:27:00 PST

Im addicted...!!!

Estelle feat. Kanye- American Boy... I didn't like this song at the beginning but now, just few weeks's my favourite video. Love this song, can't stop listening to it. One of the best track...
Posted by Najona on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:25:00 PST

I Love Breax! I Love Breax! I Love Breax! I Love Breax! I Love Breax!

11.04.08 - I LOVE BREAX! @ Plastelina (Koszalin) Djs:BANIAKBIDONDRUINVENTMESSATOMIKE PALENAJONAand DJ ZAJU with his magic skills ..You have to be there! :)...
Posted by Najona on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 03:15:00 PST

I hate Monty Python but...

I really don't like Monty Python but i love this commercial. John Cleese is awesome in this one. hope you'll like it too. so stupid it's funny... :) ...
Posted by Najona on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:27:00 PST

If You Love Breax....'s something for you:I LOVE BREAX! Djs: NOTRUST + KATARINKA (vocal) (True Analog Sound- Olsztyn) NAJONA (Koszalin) BANIAK(Koszalin) MESSATO (Koszalin) Music: BREAKBEAT/DNB More info: ...
Posted by Najona on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:26:00 PST


Do You want to find out  WHAT'S GOING ON WITH POLISH BREAKBEAT SCENE? For all my Polish people... (or those people who can at least read polish ;)) )... There's an interview SLASH discussion in l...
Posted by Najona on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:49:00 PST

08/12/07- BREAKZ KILLA- photos

a few pictures from BREAKZ KILLA 4 (08/12/2007) @ Fabryka (Zielona Gora, PL):CLICK HERE
Posted by Najona on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 01:37:00 PST