Night Phoenix profile picture

Night Phoenix


About Me

My Name is NightPhoenix and im currently the resident superhero of Cape Girardeau Missouri. I came from a bad background i was abandoned at an early age by my birthmother and was taken to be raised by my grandparents, my Grandfatehr was an alchoholic and abusive and would often use me as a punching bag, in addition my adopted syblings would tell me every day how i wasnt wanted and that i was a draqin on our already meager finances. School wasnt much of a release i was tormented and in constant battle because of my familys lack of money, my looks, and my beliefs. I quickly fell into the wrong crowd and turned to a life of petty crime, as i grew older ths crimes got more serious. I was a Burglar, a conman, and a thug. While spending time in jail on an assualt charge i met a man who had a plan for a big hiest one that would set us up for life. A Japanese corporation was coming to St Louis and had a safe Full of Gold millions and millions of dollars of gold. We Made our plans and when we got out we attempted the burglary. everything would have went perfectly but there was something we hadnt planned on Magic, the building was laced wiht magical traps. My accomplice was killed and i was captured, I was lucky though (or so i thought) the Company was impressed with my abilities, they offered me a choice join them and be given great power or die.. of course im all for more power and not realy interested in the dying thing, i mean it would be nice to see whats on the other side, but im in no hurry. I found out that the Company was a front for a an ancient cult of shadow worshipers, who planned on using teh Gateway Arch as a door way to bring in thier dark god.. surprisingly i had noproblem with that humanity had been cruel to me as long as i was a free man then i didnt care if everyone else were slaves. After a powerful arcane ritual (which involved guavas that always struck me as odd) i became the living avatar of The Shadow Dragon, i was soon put to use by the cult , stealing artifacts, forcing politicians and influential people into doing what we needed done, and lastly i was set up for an assasination.. i was to kill the mayors wife.... little did i know that each of these deeds was designed to stain my soul a little more allowing the shadow dragon to take over more of my body and the mayors wife was a ture innocent a turely good soul and her death would also mean my death my sould would be lost forever and they woudl sacrifice my body to open the gate to teh shadow realm. Then everything in my life changed i was standing nfront of the mirror adjusting my gear and well checking my hair (lol always worried about the hair) when my grandmother came in she saw in my reflection the warped horror i had become the face of the shadow dragon. her heart couldnt take it she fell to teh floor in front of me, i used my powers to rush her to the hospital but it was to late even as she died she told me " dont let that thing have you, your still my little angel" you see in all the bad in my life she had been the one good thing the one light, when my grandfther would beat me she would take care of me and sing me to sleep, when my siblings would tell me i wasnt wanted, she would tell me i was her reason for living and that i was always wanted in her heart. Thats when i descided to be a good person to be a hero instead of a villan, i would make her proud and be the kind of person she always saw in me... only one problem now i have a cult with magic and the finances of a multinational corporation, add in an entire dimension of evil shadow creatures and one honkingly ticked off Dragon God... well it will definately be interesting

My Interests

art, music, sculpture, poetry , the make a wish foundation, alternative history

I'd like to meet:

all the heroes of the world just to say thanks


Electronica, Fusion, Classical, some pop, some goth, some industrial


Spiderman, Batman Begins, Superman (the classics,


Who Wants to Be a Superhero, charmed, buffy, angel, Heroes


All The Midwest Warriors