Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ profile picture

Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~


About Me

Welcome to My New World...
I moved to Hawaii from New Jersey just 21 days after 9/11.
What an adventure that mega move became!
Enjoy this 3minute WELCOME Video to MySpace and my backyard:
Here's an Inspirational Video for the NEW TV Show designed to Motivate and Inspire You:
Below is the video I created with Mark Brudney (listed in my Top Friends) in Temecula, CA, overlooking the gorgeous vineyards in wine country at South Coast Winery.
This video is also posted on the NEW Blogi360, iMotivate.TV - which is the new TV show on the internet where YOU can have your own channel to upload and share YOUR stories and Videos to inspire others...
Go ahead and post YOUR comments on Mark's channel for iMotivate.TV directly iMotivate.TV - Our Deepest Fear of how the video interpretation impacted you. If it gives you the chills... we WANT to know! :)
ok - now for my MS profile... for all my NEW friends -- Here's a little about me, who I am, and what I'm all about:
Now - Who Am I? hmmmm who are we all, really?!?
they call me La Amiga Loca,
the crazy friend :-) my friends tell me I'm an "original" which could mean
a lil' strange - but I still take it as a compliment.
afterall, it's what got me to
quit my "secure" job
sell the home i loved
sell all my cherished belongings
pack up my summer clothes,
and move 5,000 miles away from New Jersey to Hawaii,
to start a new coaching and consulting business
in a new land where we didn't know a soul.
one of my favorite expressions is from the movie, "Good Will Hunting",
when Will asks his new found love interest, Skyler
“Maybe we can just get together and eat a buncha caramels”
instead of the same ol' same ol', "Let's go out for COFFEE"
i like that!
original thinking!
not just talking and responding in a pattern like everyone else...
i DETEST the rules! How 'bout you?
My philosophy of life is best summed up in the Matrix movie - I'm all about taking the RED pill - screw the blue pill!
If ya' like crazy, and wanna be "ma' new friend" ADD ME!
The Perfect Day for me?
Then - share your goals with me in the comments below, or even better - by posting a comment to a recent blog post and then subscribing to my 60 second motivators blog so I can stop by your desktop every morning and inspire you to stay focused on your dreams, desires and goals - and help you reach them FASTER than you would on your own.
Get your Daily Injection of Motivation at
that way - we'll always stay in touch - no matter what happens with MySpace - cuz ya' never really know when yours or my profile will just go POOF!!!
Ok - so - for more about the business side of me...
(since I keep getting that question from my new friends...)
"What do you DO exactly?"
You'll want to check out my blog post here on MySpace titled: "My Original Profile" that has a list of our Web sites, blogs, pictures, slide shows, and lots of other fun stuff that people enjoyed on my page - but some complained my page took too long to load - soooo - in the interest of getting my page to load quickly - I've pasted the stuff from my original profile onto my blog here on MySpace.
Oh Yeah! And how could I forget?!
My NEW Published book,
Secrets of Online Persuasion
Getting published by a New York Publisher was certainly a highlight of the year!
The only thing that competed for TOP Highlight - was getting a new Boxer puppy, "Capi di Tutti Capo" (Boss of All Bosses). Capi's STILL keeping me on my toes! as I write... quite LITERALLY between my toes! LOL
Thanks for visiting MySpace and checkin out my pictures and my blog posts.
:D Now, I'm look forward to meeting you!
Coach Deborah Cole Micek
The Motivation MD

PS: If youre a client, or representing a corporation that wants to know more about the business side of me, you can check out Coach Deb's PROFESSIONAL BIO I promise - I use Capitals & correct grammar on my professional bio. (big huge grin)
Here's a quick 3min clip of me and my partner presenting in Singapore - where we launched the World's Premiere of Blog interactive 360 software for 360 people from around the world at UYMG Singapore with Stephen Pierce:

My Interests

OH! And be sure to post comments on the blog posts and videos that resonate with you. I read ALL comments and messages in here from all my friends personally. (translation: I do not DELEGATE this activity to a single soul other than -- MOI!)
If you're new to my page - add me as a friend and drop me a comment on this page (right below my Top Friend's list) I can't wait to get to know you!
So - What do I do?
(Most popular question I get on Friends Requests)

I Coach Small Business Owners to be WILDLY successful from the inside out! I help them start, grow and systemize their small business to turn it into BIG Profits!
My favorite coaching clients include NEW entrepreneurs! Anytime I can give someone accelerated knowledge on how to start their own business and quit their day job - using a step-by-step plan to avoid the common pitfalls, it's truly a NATURAL HIGH for me!

I'm a total info-junkie, anything i can get my hands on and learn about personal development, business, human interaction and communication (guess that's why i like reality TV), motivation, influence, persuasion, blogging, podcasting, new media, internet marketing, web 2.0, psychology, the art of seduction, the laws of influence, NLP, hypnotic marketing messages in media and business, i'm an addict w/ my nose in the book for a weekend - i don't even hear my friends calling me... (sorry if that was you just callin'!)

My passion is in real estate investing, flipping houses, property development and investing in businesses,
but mostly - i enjoy laughing, and chillin' out with good friends who make me laugh!

I just moved over one of my favorite memories of this past year - hanging out on a cruise to Mexico with some of the best friends in the world - not because we all knew each other before we vacationed together - but because we all were high-drivers, and really understood the life of a business owner, and the commitment it takes to strive to be the very best in every thing you do.
There's NOTHING like masterminding with a group of brilliant minds who are all focused on each other's success, thrive on each other's BIG WINS, and encourage each other to be the very best...

I'd like to meet:

follow CoachDeb at http://twitter.comYOU!

If you've gotten this far - then I definitely want to meet you. Add me to your list of friends, and subscribe to my blog so we can keep in touch.
i luv people who are committed to:
The Pursuit of Happyness

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my favorite types of friends:

  • positive people - in spite of the circumstances possibility thinkers
  • cool people who are out of the box thinkers,
    BIG thinkers,
    people who aren't afraid to dream big, think big, pray big and DO BIG things people who ignore their critics business owners
    women who WANT to open their own business
    men and women who truly understand the value of personal development
    other real estate investors people who know the power of acceleration for their success when they have their very own Coach in their corner!
    people who have similar personalities as me - that way i know i'm not alone in this crazy world! LOL


    before I share my favorite music - lemmie do a lil' jig 4 you:

    Will Smith,
    The Cure,
    Depeche Mode
    Norah Jones,
    Diana Krall,
    Nina Simone,
    Kirk Franklin,
    Jars of Clay,
    Lee Ann Womack - I hope you Dance!
    All the cool new musicians making their debut
    here on MySpace -- Rock On!

    Tila Tequila,
    Lelia Broussard,
    Candy Coburn,
    Michael Lee Austin,
    Cardin McKinney,


    Adventures in Mexico with The Montelongos
    The Mexican Saga:
    Am i allowed to say all of MY Movies?
    Give yourself a Work Break - take a VIRTUAL trip to Hawaii!
    Good Will Hunting - "Let's eat a buncha Caramels!"
    Any movie that makes me laugh, cry, or THINK inspires me.
    A Bronx Tale - "Nothing worse in this life than WASTED TALENT"
    The Village,
    A Beautiful Mind,
    Facing The Giants
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,
    Italian Job,
    Vanilla Sky,
    The Professional,
    Saving Private Ryan,
    We Were Soldiers,
    The Patriot,
    Remember the Titans,
    The Game,
    Meet Joe Black,
    Analyze That,
    Breakfast at Tiffanys,
    The Godfather Trilogy,
    LA Confidential,
    Its a Wonderful Life,
    Shall We Dance?
    Orange Sky
    Life is Beautiful


    Ya' really can't get better TV than this!
    (AKA: YouTube):

    LOST, 24, Oprah, Greys Anatomy, The Apprentice, The Unit, Shark, Cris Angel, I Love Lucy, Seinfeld, Extreme Home Makeover, Heroes, What About Brian, House, 3lbs, Biography,
    Flip This House
    naturally, a favorite TV show would be my TV show on NBC as the Life Coach for Marissa who changed her life and fulfilled her Dreams on Dream Makeover Hawaii
    Friends from TIMME Conference:


  • Danica Crossing the Line,
  • Secrets of Online Persuasion

  • Ok, so I'm biased with that book since I wrote it BUT! At least I put Danica's book ahead of my own right? That shows a little humility and all, yah? (GRIN)

    Awaken the Giant Within
    Rich Dad Poor Dad
    Your Best Life Now,
    Living Above the Level of Mediocrity,
    Body of Truth,
    The Psychology of Persuasion,
    The Game,
    Maximum Influence,
    The Science of Influence,
    Mind Manipulation,
    Differentiate or DIE,
    Free Prize Inside,
    Art of the Deal,
    How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci,
    No More Christian Nice Guy,
    The Bible,


    provolone + turkey + on italian roll w/ sweet peppers
    oh-la-LA - YUMMIE!!!!
    oh wait - you want PEOPLE Heroes!?!?
    NOT the sandwich kind??
    ok, ok, ok...
    here are a few girls i admire:
    Here's a woman who had me, along with thousands of men on their feet, with caps off in salute to her accomplishments - even when others told her "it was IMPOSSIBLE to do... she risked everything and beat more world records in a single race than anyone else ever has!"
    Danica Patrick
    (2005 Indy Racing League Rookie of the Year)
    The First Woman to lead a lap at Indy 500
    My parents,
    Rosa Parks,
    Martin Luther King,
    Anthony Robbins,
    Lisa Beamer,
    All the Great Moms in the world who are raising our future leaders,
    The firefighters and helpers of 9/11 who went in when everyone else was going out
    Anyone currently or previously serving in the Armed Forces
    my hats and hearts are off to you - HoooRah!!! THANK YOU!!!
    Budweiser Soldier Tribute

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    (gee -- I almost wrote that I didn't HAVE heroes --- but I guess I dont have the typical celebrity heroes, but rather respect and admire everyday folks who wake up, ignore the critics, and follow their heart's desire each and every day because they MUST - or they'll pop!
    PS: I had a REALLY cool slideshow of my STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN - but some friends were telling me my page wouldn't load - so I removed it to see if this helps.
    So - be sure to subscribe to my blog in order to see the really COOL stuff - pictures, GIFTS, etc. that I give my loyal subscriber family.
    And be sure to check out the blog post titled: STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN WITH MY 2 JOHNS - to see this cool "slideshow"

    My Blog

    Twittering "Coach Deb" are you a twit?

    ok - pardon me while I get my twittering lingo downbut I gotta say - I’ve become a Twitter Addict!I recently turned notifications ON at Twitterand have been having a BLAST following the "tweets"...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 01:52:00 PST

    Operation MySpace - Support Our Troops

    On March 10th, 2008 Operation MySpace will bring the troops in Kuwait a live show they'll never forget. The Pussycat Dolls, Disturbed, Jessica Simpson,DJ Z-Trip, Filter, Carlo...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 01:34:00 PST

    shame on me! - your Motivational Minute update

    Aloooooha!Shame on ME for not updating my MySpace blog in a few months!Been traveling WAY too much - spent a total of 9 days in my own bed in Paradise from Nov - Jan - sheeesh! my poor doggies think t...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:31:00 PST

    NOV Travels... i’ll be back

    Aloha Friends,Quick update to let you know why I'll be MIA on MS for the month of Nov - and where I'll be - in case you want to meet up and connect in one of the cities or countries I'll be visiting a...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 05:37:00 PST

    Facebook battle - participate on Entrepreneur Mag blog

    I just posted a blog over the battle for Facebook.Within the next 48 hours, we'll know whether Google wins or Microsoft wins. Who do YOU think will win?Go ahead and check out the full post at Entrepre...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:39:00 PST

    My Original Profile - slideshow / letter 2 my friends

      Here are some shots of my journey across America...from Jersey to Hawaii... feel free to comment on your favorite pictures more about the business side of me...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 02:44:00 PST

    Networking - the way its REALLY done

    Ok - try not to feel sorry for me as I venture off for the next two weeks to "network" and speak and promote my book, blog software and business in California. Sure, I'll be busy... but if this "Netwo...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:59:00 PST

    Here’s to not trying anything in life

    My new rule for my coaching clients:           Here's to NOT trying ANYTHING in life!!!      Ya' know... I realized I never really tried to ...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:28:00 PST

    Here’s asking 4 miracle - Hurricane Flossie

    The Honolulu Advertiser reports today, August 13, 2007: Hurricane Flossie has dropped from a Category 4 hurricane to a Category 3 with maximum sustained winds around 125 mph, according to the National...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 02:57:00 PST

    Prepare to be inspired to pursue your Dreams - Paul Potts

    in case you're not a subscriber to my uber inspirational personal blog, 60 second motivators I thought I'd give you the direct link to the 5 part article series i did last week on Paul Potts:Paul Pot...
    Posted by Coach Deb ~The-Motivation-MD~ on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 11:05:00 PST