faerwear profile picture


enchanted adornments for lovers of the natural world

About Me

my name is dori, and faerwear is the stuff i make, created and inspired by the natural world. a couple of years ago I hit a rut in life, so i sought out a plant spirit and asked her for some divine inspiration - giving me far more than i ever thought to ask for, she also made the air sparkle with otherworldly jewels and sent the tree people out of the woods to say hello. in thanks and gratitude i've dedicated my creative expression. if you'd like to know more about her, please inquire - she's sometimes difficult to find, but if you need the medicine, the medicine will find you.
in addition to a traditional "line" of jewelry i make many one-of-a-kind items. many of my things come from gifts of nature - shells, rocks, twigs, feathers, whatever - things you won't ever find twice. It's my hope that my personal expressions of earthly beauty will inspire, enchant and adorn you.
our bodies are temples. i believe in adorning the body, outwardly expressing our personal aesthetic and how we see beauty in the world. I believe in carrying talismans, weilding enchantments, absorbing, communicating and working with the power of other entities we share our existence with here. we are not alone, we do not OWN the ground we walk on. we are stewards here, and underneath our stewardship, currently, a species dies every 2.5 minutes. let's start being the change and loving our mother, taking care of each other, being beautiful and putting beautiful things back out into the world with our own hands. let's dance.
these days i'm learning things, sitting still, and getting to know my ancestors - in this lifetime they are of the Ogalala Sioux nation, France, Malta and Syria (yeah, a weird mix, talk to my parents about that one). Sitting still has been really, really hard, however - I'm a traveler, a mover, a thrower of nets and connector of tribes. i am at my happiest and most vibrant and creative when i'm doing what i was made to do.
paz, amor, luz y consciencia. one love.
p.s. i am a member of Etsy, an online marketplace for all things handmade - please visit my shop .

My Interests

check out my profile and personal blog over on tribe for all you could ever wanna know, if you're curious. plenty of photographs from my world travels can be seen in my flickr photo album . faerwear also has its own blog now!

and buy handmade - visit my online shoppe at etsy.com .

I'd like to meet:

peaceful freaks and rebels, beautiful people, those that want to make this world a better place, people who believe we should live and love, not suffer (and are willing to get up and stand up for it). people driven by an unstoppable need to create. badass chicks doing badass things. a beautiful man that makes things with his hands and wants to travel the world with me. other artisans, people who like what i do, people who would like to support what i do by buying something beautiful of mine or making a small investment in my business and education. Teachers.


this is so hard, this list could go on for years... i love conscious underground hip hop, afrobeat, what some people refer to as "neo-soul", dub, reggae, funk, rowdy folk music with genius, witty lyrics, the occasional tortured songstress (I'm talking to you, Fiona), brilliant djs, gypsy jams, marching bands, spaced-out ambience, monkey chants...i would stand in line until it was my turn to have (another) one of Bob Marley's love children. Midnite shows are religious experiences. Antibalas has been rocking me since they started putting themselves out there, carrying on the spirit of Fela Kuti. If i woke up and I was all of a sudden a black woman singing I would be Erykah Badu, Dezarie or Marie Daulne, the lead singer of Zap Mama. Mos Def, Talib and The Roots restored my faith in east coast hip hop, and I love what the west coast did with it when they took it and ran. Boca Floja introduced me to the amazing underground hip hop of Mexico City. Sometimes rockin' out to a good 70's guitar jam with the windows down is the best feeling in the world.


Here's a few off the top of my head: Pronoia, Anatomy of the Spirit, Life of Pi, Jitterbug Perfume, Venus in Furs, Flow: The Psychology of Optimum Experience, The Mists of Avalon, Geek Love, anything by Mr. Huxley, Music is a Weapon, Plants of the Gods, Fraud faery books, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The Fifth Sacred Thing, Neuromancer and some comic books - Transmetropolitan, Preacher, Channel Zero. I'm a big fan of science fiction and utopian/dystopian tomes. Home improvement guides. Herbals. Metaphysical stuff. And books full of beautiful art jewelry and cool knitting and crochet patterns.


wow, heroes. my friend Lance asked me this once when I first met him and I still can't answer it specifically just yet - my heroes are anyone who walks the walk and talks the talk well.

My Blog

Introducing SCRAPZ! Recycled metal pendants

i started making these last week and have already sold four of them. They're made from recycled scraps from over a decade in my studio.The pendants use the Braille alphabet to spell out words (shown ...
Posted by faerwear on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:51:00 PST

hitting the road... AGAIN!

man life sure does move fast sometimes...i just got to asheville a couple of months ago and now i'm leaving, for equally as long.sept. 7th or so, i hit the road for northern california and will be on ...
Posted by faerwear on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:41:00 PST

Bye-bye Etsy!

i'll be poking my nose into the forums here and there but i'll be removing almost all my merch in the next coming weeks - what i've got has just been moved into a brick and mortar store here in Ashevi...
Posted by faerwear on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 11:10:00 PST

beatboxing flute guy

my friend sent me this and it's so fabulous i had to share:the beatboxing flute guy
Posted by faerwear on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 09:00:00 PST

moving to asheville

it's official, i'm headed back "west".well, not TOO far west, but west enough for now.  i'm freaking out, to be honest, as i've got a monumental task ahead of me but as my mother, whom i still ca...
Posted by faerwear on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 04:47:00 PST

NEW MUSIC (but only if you want it)

if there's one thing (but there are actually many) that i dislike about myspace the most, it's hitting up someone's profile and having music play IMMEDIATELY.  see, i've usually got something els...
Posted by faerwear on Wed, 23 May 2007 04:32:00 PST

new designs and... SORRY!

check out my blog and my Etsy shop for some new designs.  and many more coming!  i've been productive lately.and also...  SORRY!i finally just gave up the ghost and disabled html in my ...
Posted by faerwear on Sat, 12 May 2007 01:20:00 PST