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Mi gatitoo!!My little kitty!!! :::: *
adopt your own virtual pet!
I like to meet new people, I love music, that's why I live for, play guitar, play ninendo, x box, ps2, be in messenger, use photosuite, watch Tv, read a lot... listening to music, painting, writing, I love European Mitology, and everything that has 2 b with dragons and faerys, and that kind of stuff u guys who knows me know why... and I have some kind of obsession about stars, comets, shooting stars, and everything that has 2 b with alquimia, magic, etc. I like to play tennis, to dance, to go to the concerts of my friends, duel bands, I do play piano and vocals, I love to watch american football and play it, I also like basketball and soccer and sometimes the luchas.... jajaja :P I like to... do my hair with bubbles in the shower, and be with my firends always in partys and laughing all time.. I love it, makeup, fashion, styles and weird experiments, mm I'm completely addicted to coffee, and to bitter chocolate, and chocomilk, and I really like to take off the chocolate that rolls up over the cakes with my fingers!! what else?... chees pizza, vans, boys!! mmm frenchs deserts, and spaguetti, one of my passions are the sun, the sea and scuba diving or just dive... :P I love to travel around the world meeting new places... I've been in Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, England, Venezuela, US, Canada, Germany, I like to look at the rain through my window, the fog, the forest, and cold places like Finland :P I try to skateboard once but I suck so I decided just to sit and watch my friends doing it... videotaping, art cineMa, I love to laugh and being happy all times, stupid jokes... art, music, living each day as if it were the last and to start inventing things like painting my walls... or take photographs, I love photography, sculpture and acting, as my mom, my dad and my stepsister, and stepfather, I hate growing up in some things, because sometimes I like to feel like a child playing stupid games and laughing 'til my stomack hurts... I love the philosophy in general, and I'm going really soon to college to study art history and musical production, I'm really talkative, and I like to make fun of my friends when there's confidence enough. so be careful!!...................................................
...theRe's MoRe ShiT 'Bout me!! ...
Name: Andrux Caulfield
Birthday: 27/03/88
Birthplace: XalapA
Current Location: Mexico dF! I'm out fuckers!
Eye Color: blAck
Hair Color: blaCk
Height: ... doNt' u waNNa knOw my AgE? I'M 18!! jajajaja
Right Handed or Left Handed: RiGht
Your Heritage: ha...
The Shoes You Wore Today: VaNs..still using them
Your Weakness: muSik, BoyZ, Art, cHokolaTe
Your Fears: LonElineSs 'nd silenCe
Your Perfect Pizza: ChEesE piZzA!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: mm... survive 'til XMas
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: DuHh...ieah
Thoughts First Waking Up: Another fucking five minutes please!!
Your Best Physical Feature: my.. lipS?.. eyEs?.. eyEbroWs?.. haha i don't have NosE!!
Your Bedtime: hahahahahahahaha!!!!!...
Your Most Missed Memory: My grandMa!!
Pepsi or Coke: BoTh miXeD up!
MacDonalds or Burger King: jajaja Mc FluRry cn ChiKen TenDeRs!!
Single or Group Dates: SinGle o_O
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton!
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE!!! BittEr ChoKoLaTe!!
Cappuccino or Coffee: CoFfe...
Do you Smoke: Noup
Do you Swear: SomeTimEs
Do you Sing: DaMed SuRe!!
Do you Shower Daily: yeip
Have you Been in Love: FuCk.. yes...
Do you want to go to College: emm.. I'm at college
Do you want to get Married: maybe...
Do you belive in yourself: oF couRsE
Do you get Motion Sickness: jajajajaja soMetimEs
Do you think you are Attractive: do yoU?...
Are you a Health Freak: Depends...
Do you get along with your Parents: mmm yeeeah...
Do you like Thunderstorms: Sure yEs!! i loVe theM
Do you play an Instrument: GuiTaR... anD tryinG foR piAno
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: caN i CounT KalhuA choCoLaTes?...
In the past month have you Smoked: haha emm... nop
In the past month have you been on Drugs: NaH
In the past month have you gone on a Date: mmm mayBe yeS
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yeP
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nop, LoRs RuLzZ... EvEry Fuckin' dAy!!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: noP
In the past month have you been on Stage: yeAH!!! Let's siNg baBy!!!
In the past month have you been Dumped: YESS!! fuCk u little guY :'(
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Noup...
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: SoMebody'S smiLe!! =D
Ever been Drunk: hahahahahahahahaha
Ever been called a Tease: yeAh!!.. amigo.. amigo.. amigo.. amigo...
Ever been Beaten up: nouP
Ever Shoplifted: jajaja daMed yeAh
How do you want to Die: mmm.. Sth eXtravaGanT buT noT paiNfuL
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: hahahaha emm...
What country would you most like to Visit: ItaLy!!
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: GREEEEEN!!
Favourite Hair Color: mm BlaCk... naybe broWn
Short or Long Hair: mm MediumM!! haha
Height: ... TaLLeR thAn me!! jaja
Weight: mmm ... aja...
Best Clothing Style: mm liKe eMO/iNdiE/MaMon/RoCkeR/wEiRd!!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Love love loev and love.. drugs kills.. love kills there is no difference
Number of CDs I own: HAHAHAHAHAHA
Number of Piercings: i have four and goung for the fifth but I've had ten
Number of Tattoos: noNe :P
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 3
PeOple who ReaLLy wanna have Fun anD make me LauGh!!... =) The man who CreAteD paCmAn!!! he Was a Fuckin geNiouSss mmm aaa... whO eLse...emm leT me Think.. GoD.. yOu.. MyseLf.. SoMeone..
Abrooon nunca voy a terminar!! jajaja pero ahi les voy...cheken:Shellby, DnK, Orwell, Elli-Noise, Insite, Colchon, Claudia, Peppermint Van Pilot, Retroceso, MB's, Los 21 tracks, Adiccion, Arrecife, Comandante Mono, Charlie Brown Jr.,Chicocheee!!, el contemporary jazz, progressive rock, indie, screamo, Brazil, Elliot, abanico, kilometro 82, not Sparta though, Unwed Sailor. The Stooges, Flock of Seagulls, Cursive, Kill Sadie, ima robot, Sunny Day Real Estate,Pablo the Lion, Yeha yeha yeahs, MusE, razorlight, pink spiders, avenged sevenfold, cartel, cocorosie, thE poStal service, snow patrol, karina round, the pandoras, at the drive in, bardo pond, swell, twinkeys, elf power, rain parade, the salvastion army, Fear Before the March of Flames, A colores, Radiateur, Austin Tv, Goldfrapp, Ladytron y no se, cheken mi playlist de vez en cuandoo =P
Ok.. veamosss... Pelikulas eeh... chale pues diria keee... A Clockwork orangeeEe!!.. Trainspotting, rekiem El Ilusionista y de dibujos animados The nightmare before xmas, alicia en el pais de las maravillas de Disney jajaja, beetlejuice, la risa en vacaciones (rulean la neta) willy wonka y la fábrika de chokolateSsS!!! de 1971! la orIginaL y no se son un chingo, Rushmore... Sin City! Amelie, las de Kill Bill, Breakfast at Tiffany's y My fair lady!! ala madre amo a Audrey Hepburn!!! Edward Scissor Hands!! o el joven manos de tijeraa o todo lo ke tenga ke ver kon TIM BURTOON!! me enkAnta TIM BURTONNNN hablando de tim burton vieron Big Fish??? ala madre buenisimaaa!! El club d la pelea, Seven. Snatch. El exorcistaa! butterfly effect, hey duDe whEre'S my caR?... ShRekkk jajaja emm.. cantinflassss :P y muchas masss!
Casi no veo tv, y kasi siempre ando viendo el Discovery o el History o a veces People and Arts.. Extreme Makeover, American Chopper, Miami Ink, jojo.. por cierto sabian que el puente de londres no está en londres??? esta en TEXAS! jaja bueno mm tmb me laten los simpson, ren y stimpy!!, south park, Pen and Teller son lo maximo!!! jajaja, mmm.. no se un buen!!...that 70 show, cowboy bebop jejeje el guardian del pikaportee!!jajaja komo olvidarloo :P!! y un chingo de kosas raras jaja :P... faMily guy... jajajajajajaja emm... o_O los caballeroS del ZodiaKo... :P jaja invadEr zimMm es bellizimo lastima ke solo tnga 30 capitulos =(
en kuanto a libros.. el diccionario y libros de texto edukativos!! jajajajaja no nel wakala... novelas historikas, drakula, el diario secreto de ana bolena, la dama del sudario, clockwork orange, los 8 reyes malditos, los templarios, mm.. mitologia europea, cruzadas, etc, libros wicca, la comedia humana ... y Believe ;) me late shakespeare, el de alicia en el pais de las maravillas... el guardian entre el centeno, el perfume, el mundo mágico, momo, biografia de pintores y libros de historia del arte, el journey de curt cobain, los raros de ruben darÃo y los comics de calvin y hobbes!! jajaja esos cuentan???
Mmmmm... mi mamaa!! jajaja nel la neta no... (k ogt) jajaja pues mmmm Superman???... Nahh me kae mejor batman, al menos k Superman sea Tom Welling jajajaja... no ya neta, hay muchas personas a las que admiro muchisimo por sus obras y las cosas que hacen, por su musica y por su manera de pensar, pero no tengo a nadie como un heroe :P O bueno si, todos mis amigos son mis heroes pk siempre me ayudan en lo que mas necesito (eso hace un heroe no???) no hace falta mencionarlos, ellos saben perfectamente quienes son, solo quiero decir GRACIAS :D