...what I'm into... ...BEING RANDOM... ...arts of any kind... ...photography... ...movies... ...human evolution... ...hair... ...forensic medicine... ...demonology... ...wearing costumes... ...music... ...reading...
Nos dijimos " te amo" antes de tiempo
Nos besamos antes de tiempo
Lo hicimos antes de tiempo
Me llamaste tu novia antes de tiempo
Me ilucioné antes de tiempo
Dijiste las palabras correctas antes de tiempo
Me decepcionaste antes de tiempo
Me sentà estúpida antes de tiempo
Me sentà triste antes de tiempo
Te creà mÃo antes de tiempo
Me creÃste tuya antes de tiempo
Y no me arriesgaré a averiguar sà tú eres "ÉL"
so much perfection can't be real
...FAKES... ...hypocrits...
...bad friends...
...creepy people...
...real fur clothing...
...when people I love changes in a bad way...
...bad hairdo's&trashy make up...
...not hugging people...
...when I don't get what I want...
...having no money when I go out...
...not going out...
...cheesy movies...
...cheesy song lyrics...
...when people I love cries...
...when Julee cries...
...Maxo&Vicky being away...
...Mapu leaving...
...when my sister cries...
...The Lirio not playing...
...being chubby..
...hot days...
...getting my heart broken...
...not owning a car...
...not knowing how to use an iPod...
...being lazy...
...when he is stupid...
...pollo feliz...
...regaeton music playing when I'm sober...
...La Academia...
...my back hurting...
...looking ugly...
...being vain...
...posers like her...
...death animals...
...YOU :D...
...coMmenT kaT heRE...
I listen to all kinds of music, but here are a few of my favorites: ...Most likely to find in my jukeboX... ...The Used... ...Thrice... ...u2... ...Panic! at the Disco... ...Circa Survive... ...Million Dead... ...Korn... ...Linkin Park... ...Zoé... ...Placebo... ...My Chemical Romance... ...Saosin... ...Underoath... ...Kiss... ...The Doors... ...A Perfect Circle... ...Incubus... ...Jumbo... ...Interpol... ...Finch... ...Queen... ...Senses Fail...
A little list of a few of my favorite movies from all time: ...Most likely to find in my Videotheque... ...Trainspotting... ...Pulp Fiction... ...A Clockwork Orange... ...Kill Bill (both)... ...X-men (1,2,3)... ...Sin City... ...gO... ...Coffee&Cigarrettes... ...The Nightmare Before Xmas... ...Reservour Dogs... ...Edward Scisorhands... ...Beetlejuice... ...The Lion King... ...The Little Mermaid... ...Matrix (1,2,3)... ...Episode III... ...Butterfly Effect... ...Y tu mamá también... ...Great Expectations... ...Everything is Illuminated... ...Big Fish... ...Matando Cabos... ...Weding Crashers... ...White Chicks ...In her Shoes... ...South Park... ...Romeo&Juliet... ...The 5th Element... ...Fight Club... ...The Virgin Suicides... ...Dragon Heart... ...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... ...Donnie Darko... ...Garden State... ...Metropolis...
I really don't watch too much from the idiot box... ...Sweet selection from the Idiot Box... ...Miami Ink... ...Lost... ...America's Next Top Model... ...Grey's Anatomy... ...The Simpsons... ...South Park... ...Family Guy... ...Movies... ...Disney Channel... ...Animal Planet...
Reading is something I really love, but I don't have enough time for it... ...The only books I've read completly by far... ...A Clock Work Orange... ...The Portrait of Dorian Grey... ...Animal Farm... ...Un mundo FelÃz... ...Midnight Summer Dream... ...Harry Potter... ...Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... ...Diablo Guardián... ...Alice in Wonderland...
GRANDPA Charles Darwin Gerard Way Tim Burton Quentin Tarantino David La Chapelle Frank the Bunny MATT HARDING my cuyo can kick your cuyo's ass