Rock Climbing
Raquet Ball
Cigars & Cards
Powerful Speakers
All My Friends
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Someone not stuck on themself and without worry or care of day to day happenings and no fears and no wants and no responsibilities and no baggage and no drama and no attachments and no nothing negative........
I can't break away from the classical music right now. But when I do I run to alternative for rescue.
There are many other things that occupy my wasted time.
I'm buried deep in the book Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. it's captivating to say the least. It Considers why, if crack dealing is so profitable, do most drug dealers still live with their moms, and reveals that conventional wisdom is often a web of fabrication, self-interest, and convenience. It goes into how Roe v. Wade helped trigger, a generation later, the biggest crime drop in history and sorts out the facts of crime from the fictions. It even drops in to, from a number of angles, whether and how parents matter for a number of child outcomes and considers what kind of signal parents are sending when they name a child and whether a child's name really matters.
I have no heroes anymore. I'd rather not become disappointed somewhere down the road.