Aaronichi profile picture


I've seen a million faces and I've rocked em all!!

About Me

I dunno...I've hung out with some of the coolest cats around....partied like I coulda killed that guy from Hanoi Rocks...Bunches of crap, but here I am in B-More. Married and responsible like some kind of adult or some crap. It's like if Faye Ray and King Kong got married and settled down. Can you see King Kong doing the family and the 9-5? I dunno. Stranger things have happened.

My Interests

Me gustan zombie movies and flicks about satanic orgy cults. Mexican food, beer, booze and pre-'64 kustoms also tickle my fancy. I'll probably make tacos del carbon for our holiday feast. You know what else I dig? Port Discovery. All that shit for kids that you climb in and push buttons and crap, that's the coolest. BUT my most favoritist things in the world are my girls, my wife, and my kid. They're my li'll slice o' heaven.


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The PERFECT movie: Porn with giant robots, big monster costumes, zombie punks, Kung Fu, two fisted glock glock action, social irony, honesty, no pretences, exploding cows, surfing the 50 year storm and a great establishing shot on location in the Amazon. fuck an a right.


TiVo is still the greatest invention ever. Withoutit I'd miss Samurai Saturday on IFC, Mission Hill, Mundial, if it never would have fucked up recording Black Books I'd have never found Peep Show (Ooooh...the BAD THING), Perfect Hair Forever, the New Dr. Who, G4's Game Makers and Icons, Now, Frontline, BBC World News, Good Eats.


I'm all over the place on this one...I like Existentialism, French Revolutionary libertine lit, speculative fiction, political science, Skin Two, Fast Food Nation, Polawoman, Knife and Gun Club, Mad Libs, Giant Robot, Readymade, Custom Rodder...n some shit