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The Beagles

Ashton under dogs........

About Me

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Member Since: 5/17/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Andy Stanworth - vocals, percussion.
Andy Liptrott - guitar, bass, vocals.
Alison Teale - Saxophones
Paza - Bass, guitar.
Paul Bennell - drums, mad scientist.
Additional Musicians-
Brett Savage- Guitar
Bart- Harmonica

Influences: From: Distortions In Time, Space And Faces.
The Beagles, formed from the Antediluvian clay into a modern day golem, are the chief avatars of a new era of eschatonic musical revolution. Their music floats like a dark leviathan through the collective unconsciousness, a lead lined casket of psychic graffiti sailing into the outermost territories of the axis mundi.
Their Autosexual self-destruction blues is a harsh unreasoning shining metal cube of solid steel, projected forcibly into the eyelets of modern culture. Each note, a tooth of Fafnir. Each guitar string, a hair from Odin's beard.
I shall be taking myself and my family to some far flung remote outpost of society in the vain hope that we can escape the awesome glare of The Beagles.
Prof. Charles R. Kael Dr. of Cultural Studies Tameside College Of Technology
Sounds Like: The Electric Spanking Of War Babies
Record Label: Otisburg Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Good Evening Palo Alto!

Hola, The Beagles get a mention in the Palo Alto Daily News, California courtesy of Paul Freeman (thanks Paul!) Check out the link below-
Posted by The Beagles on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:32:00 PST

The Beagles on the wireless- in America!

Just to let you know that our songs have found there way across the pond & are going to be played this Weds morning (5th Sept 07) on the Barb Wire's show on WLUW 88.7 in Chicago. You can tune...
Posted by The Beagles on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 11:04:00 PST

Finally, some new songs!

Hello peeps, We have been busy beagles for a couple of months now & finally we have something to show for all that time spent in the smelly doghouse.Hope you like the new stuff? Keep checking our ...
Posted by The Beagles on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 04:22:00 PST

New Low-fi songs uploaded

Howdo, have a listen to a couple of new songs that we've uploaded for your listening pleasure. Purple Pop- this is a low fi/demo version that we recorded ages ago, we've just finished re-recording it ...
Posted by The Beagles on Sat, 19 May 2007 10:18:00 PST

Beagles minus 1

Sad to report that Brett 'le Fret' Savage has decided to leave the dog pound after 4 years... We would like to wish him all the best & we know that he has gone to a good home where he will be fed,...
Posted by The Beagles on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:59:00 PST

New music and gigs - Watch this space

We're currently in the process of writing and recording some new stuff, yes activity! We'll put on here as soon as it's ready!! We've got a sorta' western/garage/dubby thing going on -w...
Posted by The Beagles on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:15:00 PST

The Doghouse

How lazy are we? Fear not, we've finally got our lard arses into gear & set up a mini studio, christened 'the doghouse', currently tweaking knobs & eating copious packets of 10p crisps- o...
Posted by The Beagles on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:34:00 PST