Sophia profile picture


If You Think Yo Nigga Fine U Sho Ain't Seen Mines Yet So Dont Get Happy !!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

Wut up im fun 2 b around and if im not around u would wish i wuz. I luv 2 go 2 parties.When im bored i usually try somethin 2 do cuz they gotta have somethin. PimpMySpace
A 155 Question MySpace Survey...With Good Grammar!
~*The Basics*~
Your full name:: Jasmine Rayshay' Malbroux
--What does it mean?:: I dont Knoe
Your birthday:: 11-10-88
Height:: 5'6"
Eye colour:: Hazel
--Do you like it?:: Yea
Natural hair colour:: Brown
--Do you like it?:: Yea
Gender:: Female
Religion:: cathlioc
--Have you ever changed religions?:: naw
--Would you consider it?:: nope
Race:: Mixed
Heritage:: african american,native american,a lil mexican
--Do you like your heritage?:: Yup
Where do you live?:: DA LAKE
Have you ever moved cities or countries?:: Yea
Your job:: Clothing Store
--Do you enjoy it?:: Yea
Movie:: Love & Basketball
TV show:: 106 & Park
TV character:: SpongeBob SquarePants
Movie character:: I dont have one
Book:: How To Kill a Mockingbird
Literary character:: None
Author:: none
Band:: Cherish
Song:: Promise
Type of music:: Hip Hop
Instrument:: Piano
Cereal:: Fruity pebbles
Fast food place:: Checkers
Dessert:: Cheese Cake
Country:: Italy
City:: Houston
Place to travel:: Bahamas
Airline:: i dont knoe
Shampoo/conditioner:: Head & Shoulders
Lotion:: Johnson & Johnson
Subject in school:: ELA
Teacher:: Mrs.Bruney
State (if you're American):: Mexico
Football team:: Pittsburgh Steelers
Hockey team:: None
Sport to play:: Basketball,Volleyball,Swimming,Baseball
Sport to watch:: Football
Fruit:: Orange
Vegetable:: Carrots
Snack:: Jello
Meal:: Red Beans & Rice
Restaurant:: Casa Manta
Grocery store:: Krogers
~*Have You Ever*~
Gone on a blind date?:: Nope
Flown in an airplane?:: Yea
Thrown up on an airplane?:: Nope
Peed in the shower?:: Dats Nasty, No
Peed your pants after you hit double digits?:: Hell No
Enjoyed Shakespeare?:: No
Been to the opera?:: No
Been to the theatre?:: Yea
Streaked?:: No
Seen a streaker?:: Yes
Been mooned?:: Yea
Mooned someone?:: Nope
Flipped someone off?:: Yea
Been in a fist fight?:: Yea
Been drunk?:: Yep
Had alcohol poisoning?:: No
Been walked in on while you're naked?:: Yes
Slept in a snowbank?:: no
Made a snow angel?:: No
Lost any teeth?:: Of Course
Been in the hospital?:: Yea
Been in a major accident?:: Nope
Burnt yourself?:: Yea
Passed out?:: Nope
Watched a soap opera you didn't understand?:: No
Prank called 911?:: Yea
Made fun of emos?:: No
Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like?:: No
Cheated on a test?:: SHHHHHHHH Dont tell nobody
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: No
Lied to get out of trouble?:: Yea
Started a fire?:: Yea
Roasted a marshmallow?:: Yea
Set a marshmallow on fire?:: nope
--How many times?:: 0
Wanted to drop out of school?:: Nope
--Did you?:: Hell no
Your house number:: I dont know u
Why are you taking this survey?:: Cuz im bored
What school do you go to?:: Washington- Marion
--Do you like it?:: Yea
Your school colours?:: Green,Gold,and Black
Your school teams' name?:: Charging Indians
Ever been on a sports team?:: Yea
--If yes, what was the name of it?::
--Did you enjoy it?::
What do you want to be when you grow up?:: Doctor
--Why?:: I love 2 help people
Any plans for the near future?:: naw
What are your views on capital punishment?:: I dont knoe
--Nuclear weapons?:: idk
--Euthanasia?:: idk
--The Canadian government?:: idk
--The American government?:: idk
--The European Union?:: idk
--The UN?:: idk
--Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is?:: Nope
What was your favourite grade of elementary school?:: kindergarden
--Why?:: Nap Time
What are you wearing right now?:: some shorts and a shirt wut bout u
--Any particular reason why?:: it's hot
What was the last thing you ate?:: some chips
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?:: Tan
How are you feeling today?:: Im straight
How many keys are on your keychain?:: 3
--What are they for?:: my house, my grandmothers,and my car
What does the room you're in look like?:: It's Straight
--Do you like the room?:: Yea
Do you own an iPod?:: Yea
--If yes, what kind?:: my kind
Do you wear glasses or contacts?:: nope
What's your view on laser eye surgery?:: if u want it get it
--Would you ever consider it?:: naw
Weirdest thing about your parents:: idk
What did you do this weekend?:: mind my business
--Was it enjoyable?:: yup
What's your greatest fear?:: big ass snakes
Your greatest strength?:: my lil sister
What country do you fear the most:: idk
Have you ever been in a third-world country?:: nope
--Would you ever want to live in one?:: nope
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?:: a dozen roses
Will poverty ever end?:: hopefully
--Why or why not?:: cause it puts children in a lot of dangers
Will we destroy our own planet?:: probably
--How?: stupid shit
Man--inherently good, or inherently evil?:: inherently goog
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My Interests

Profile courtesy of MySpace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Anyone i could have a chance 2 meet. I luv every kind of personality there is out their cuz no one is the same cuz if we were it would b a messed up adopt a baby This is your beautiful baby Melyssa..her name mens "honey bee"..she is 7 months old..her birthday is april 15th..
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Myspace Survey...Tell All!
Name:: Jazz
Nicknames:: Jazzy J ,Knubbs
Birthplace:: Metairie,LA
Current Location:: DA LAKE
Hair Color:: brown
Eye Color:: hazel
Height:: 5'6"
Weight:: 145
Tatoos?:: nope
Piercings?:: yea
Overused Phrase:: wtf
Bedtime:: Whenever im under da covers
Best Physical Feature:: my legs
Most Embarassing Moment:: Falling down
Most Missed Memory:: My Daddy
First Thought When You Wake Up:: Thank u God 4 another day
Weakness:: My lil sister
Best Friends:: Arianna,Danielle,Kayla,Tiara,Whitney,and Jay'Lynn
Goal For The Year:: Just chill
Greatest Fears:: Big Ass Snakes
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke...: Neither
McDonalds or Burger King...: McDonalds
Hot Tea or Ice Tea...: Hot Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla...: Vanilla
Water or Milk...: Water
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: Hot Chocolate
Hugs or Kisses...: Both
Cats or Dogs...: Dogs
Summer or Winter...: Summer
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: Scary Movies
Love or Money...: Love
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: Green Grapes
Perferred Eye Color:: Brown
Perferred Hair Color:: Black
Short Hair or Long Hair...: Both
Perferred Height:: Taller Than Me
Perferred Weight:: No Huge
Looks or Personality...: Personality
Hot or Cute...: Cute
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: Skinny & Muscular
Number:: 7
Food:: Red Beans & Rice
Type of Music:: Hip Hop
Candy:: Sugar Babies
Color:: Pink & Black
Animal:: Panda
Drink:: Sprite
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: Abs
Movie:: Love & Basketball
Past Time:: Football Games Wit My Daddy
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: Yup
Smoked?: once
Been Beaten Up?: nope
Bullied Someone?: nope
Skinny Dipped?: ummmmmmm
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: maybe
Toliet Papered Someones House?: nope
Played Poker W/ Money?: yea
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: yea
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: Yea
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldnt Talk?: Yea
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: O Yes
Went Camping?: Nope
Used The Restroom On A Tree?: Nope
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: Yea
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: Nope
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: Yea
Danced In The Rain?: Yea
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: Yes
Been On Stage?: Yea
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didnt Approve Of?: Millions of timez
Been To A Nude Beach?: Hell No
Cursed In Church?: See Wut happened wuz
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: No
Burnt Yourself?: Yea
Been Dumped?: Yea
Dumped Someone?: Hell Yea
Been In Love?: Yea
Been Hit On Someone To Old?: Millions of timez
Wanted To Be A Model?: Still Do
Wanted To Be In The Olmpics?: no
Bought Lottery Tickets?: no
Made Out In A Car?: why
Cried During A Movie?: nope
Wanted Something You Couldnt Have?: Still want it
Made Love On The Beach?: nope
Shoplifted?: I Dont Steal
Seen Someone Shoplift?: Yea
Hung Up On Someone?: O Yes
Yelled At Your Pet?: No
Gotten Seasick?: no
Tried To Strip When Drunk?: I dont think so
Bought A Thong Cuz The Casier Was Hot?: no
Stalked Someone?: no
Had A Stalker?: yea
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: nope
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family?: o yes
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: At a time
Protested?: yea
Been To An Island?: yea
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: nope
Screamed In A Library?: naw
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: dats nasty
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single?: nope
Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: yea
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: yea im doin dat right now cuz im talkin 2 u
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: on my arm
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: yea
Threw Up In School?: yea in kindergarden
Recieved A Love Letter That Wasnt Signed?: naw
Wore Something You Hated?: O yes
Wore Something To Match Someone?: Yea
Been To A Luau?: Yea
Cursed Infront Of Your Parents?: Yea
Been On TV?: Yea
Been Outta The Country?: No
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: yes dats not cool
Won A Pool Game?: naw
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: yea
Went To School/ Work Drunk?: no
Dieted?: no
Had An Eating Disorder?: no
Cheated On Your Other?: no
Been Cheated On?: yea
Been Paid To Date Someone?: naw
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: nope
Tanned Topless?: nope
Been Strip Searched?: nope
Been On A Plane?: yea
Been On A Cruise?: yea
Been Pantsed In Public?: nope
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: yea
Broke Someone's Heart?: i dont think so
Sung In The Shower?: yup
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: yup
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: just now
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: yea
Been Walked In On While Showering?: yea
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared?: naw
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: nope
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: nope
Been In Detention?: yup
Feel Off A Roof?: no
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: no
Been In A Wreck?: yea
Wrecked So You Wouldnt Hit An Animal?: nope
Made Yourself Puck So You Wouldnt Have To Go To School?: no
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun?: yea
Been Shot?: no
Had A Water Gun War?: yea
Been Arrested?: no
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: Yea
Country You Wanna Visit:: Italy
Way You Wanna Die:: Happy
Like Thunderstorms?: Sometimez
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: Sometimez
R U A Health Freak?: no
U Think Ur Attractive?: Do u think im attractive
Do You Believe In Yourself?: If i dont who will????
Wanna Get Married?: Yea
Wanna Go To College?: Of course
Shower Daily?: Yup, dats nasty if u dont
Want Kids?: yea
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: TL
Do U Hate Anyone?: Hate is a strong word. Dislike yes
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: No
Do You Think You Can Sing?: No
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: Yea
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: Yea
Can You Whistle?: Nope
Can You Walk In High Heels?: Yup
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: No
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: Yup
Can You Multitask?: Yea
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?: Nope
Can You Fit In Your Locker?: No
Do You Spit?: No
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: I drink it
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?: My daddy
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: Dolce & Gabbana
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: Irish Spring
What's Your Favorite Scent?: Sweet Pea
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: No cuz i would out live the people i love da most
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Go head be gone with it Pimped By




God, My MaMa And My Daddy (R.I.P Daddy)

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How I'm making money on the internet.

Lately I've been trying to pay off some of my big student debt bills! ...4 years at UCLA. My best friend Jen who was in my sorority told me about what she does for shopping money. Judging by how she s...
Posted by Sophia on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 12:22:00 PST